Chapter 12

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I was ready to ran now through the hallway and never come back, I truly was. For the first time I noticed that several men, no boys, had bow and arrows pointed at me and soon to be pointed at more girls.
"Come help me! Bring weapons!" I shouted. Just because this was a trap didn't mean I was going to have them come unarmed.

Gally snared at the side, "Stupid girl, you will pay for that one." He punched Newt again, twice. I shivered as he coughed up blood.

Caroline gave a silent nod, not seeming to see the many flaws in the trap. They started down the long hallway.

"No!" I shouted before I could help myself. Then I heard horrible screams from Newt. I couldn't help it, I fell to the ground, I fainted.

*******Newt's POV********

Chloe fainted. I saw her fall to the ground lifeless. Gally was furious and he brought it out on me. This guy was crazy. I knew it. Just then I saw both Alby with other gladers and group B people heading towards the scene. Alby rushed to me screaming at Gally.

"Gally, your the shuckest shuck face I've ever seen!" Alby screamed at him slamming him on the maze wall. "Why should I not kill you for doing that to Newt!"

Before Gally could answer the Group B girls were battling the bow and arrow and 'dead' guys. I tried to breath, but coughed blood instead, I felt like klunck. Alby and Gally were already battling and at this point no one cared about Chloe. Girls started rushing in through the hallway, out numbering the boys.

I sat my back against the maze wall hoping no one would hurt me anymore. I guess all the girls thought I was dying because no one gave more than a glance.

"Why the bloody heck is this all happening?" I said to no one but myself. Pain overwhelmed me. I started towards Chloe.

When I reached her I started to shake her awake.

"Chloe, it's me, Newt! Chloe can you hear me?" I asked getting not the slightest response it was as she were dead.

I started to drag her through the battling scenes and back towards the hole, the safest place I could think of. I stayed there holding her waiting for her to give any signs of life. At some points that day I had to check Chloe's pulse to see if she still lived.

When the sun started to set and I started to fall asleep Chloe awoke.

I smiled at her, "How are you feeling?"

"Good," she answered rubbing her head.

She got to her feet and climbed from the hole. I didn't take much interest in the battle, just Chloe.
"Oh my-" Chloe said quietly.

"What?" I asked as I started to climb from the hole. Then I understood. Looking at the battle field.

Everyone was dead.

The Two Mazes (The Maze Runner)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant