Chapter 18

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"What?" Thomas asks looking at my confused face.

"Umm...Nothing. It says A3 The Runner. Kind of makes sense," I tell him nervously.

I just didn't understand.

"Okay," Thomas says and walks off.

Why was he different? Was he not owned by WICKED? Something inside me became angry. I was not someone's property. Is Thomas working for WICKED? I mean at his own will, not the WICKED is good type of way.

Caroline whistled everyone silent.

"Okay. It seems that everyone's got a 'tattoo'" Caroline makes air quotes there, "And it seems like WICKED is not taking care of us anymore. Sadira went into the lobby area, it was completely everything is gone. Even the wallpaper. Any food anyone has is to put in this basket now."

Caroline holds out a basket and two young boys step up and put 2 apples and a bar of chocolate in the basket that already hold a banana and 3 bottles of water. People look around in

disappointment. It was certain we were going to stare.

"Well why don't we go find Chloe. Maybe she has some answers." I say to the crowd.

"That can't happen. All exits are blocked. The censers don't work anymore." Sadira replies.

"We could go through the vents," Thomas suggests. No one objects.

TO: My associates

FROM: Ava Paige

Since Quad 4 has been abandoned the subjects seem to be responding by our predictions. Soon they shall understand that Chloe is safe, in Quad 5, and they are not. At which point we will put Phase 2 Projects in order. Our select few will receive some memories from the maze and others too. Until then.

The Two Mazes (The Maze Runner)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora