Chapter 13

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********Chloe's POV********

I was absolutely stunned looking at the dead bodies along the ground. I imagined how it got to the point I guess the last one had a bad wound and died. It was obvious nobody survived.

I looked at Newt knowing we shared the same thoughts, only one gender survives. As he and I scanned the ground and saw the dead faces of our friends, tears started to well up in our eyes. I could hear the quiet whimpers of Newt.

When I reached Caroline was when the first year really came. I became confused, where was Sadira. Then a thought popped into my head, the tunnel.

I rushed towards the hallway and didn't stop when Newt said, "Chloe, what the bloody heck!"

When I reached the tunnel I made sure the gierver trapped in here was asleep. Walking only a few steps forward did I see Sadira's dead body calloused on top off a boy. Both of them shared the same hole through the chest which indicated there cause of death. Thought I didn't know why this had happened and moved back to Newt I couldn't take this all anymore!

When I came back to Newt I started to explain, "I went to check on the tunnel us girls built a couple years back. Found one of my friends there dead onto of a guy-"

"Thomas," Newt interjected.

"Yeah whatever. I'm just so overwhelmed."

Newt looked around and then back at me, "Tell me what you want to say to me, just-" he was crying and I was confused and not confused for why. I loved him I really did.

"Well...I love you," I told him trying to stay strong but failing miserably.

"I love you too," He told me back, "Girls win."

And then he pushed a knife into his heart.

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