Chapter 27

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*****Newt's POV****

I stand in a crowd of people I barely know. Waiting for something to happen. I feel bad about what I supposedly did to Chloe.

Angle came over looking satisfied. Ok I'll lead you to your dorms. We walk into the room and see bunkbeds lining the small room.

"Nothing is done without my permission, got it? Now any questions"

"Yeah," says a boy in the back.

" are we all being saved?"

"That's the thing," Angel starts, "not all of you are."

*****Angel's POV****

I know I shouldn't have told them that, but it felt wrong not to tell them that some of them would die.

Newt stayed calm though he looked dazed.

"Why?" Newt asked his English accent caught me off guard. It's cute...

"The flare, not all of you are immune. You have to be immune to survive, I guess. I don't know who, so don't ask," I replied.

The group calmed down and they started to get restless. Tomorrow we start training and then the real action comes.

Newt sat at the foot of a bed he claimed and started fitting with his fingers. He looked cute doing that.

Do I like him? Is that why I put him with this group? I don't know anymore.

"So..." I started not planning to continue as I sat next to him.

He looked up innocently, "Hi...I guess..."

I needed to know why he did that horrible thing to Chloe even if he seemed not to know.

"Why did you do that to her?"

"I don't remember that I actually did something to her."

"Well you did, so why you do it?"

"I DONT REMEMBER! I keep apologizing, but she doesn't even care!"

"I'm sorry. I just thought you might remember something."

"WELL I DON'T! So stop asking!"

I slowing walked away a bit dazed by his reaction. He wasn't himself.

Something is wrong with Newt.

TO: My Associates

FROM: Ava Paige

Groups A and B are making their way towards the safe haven. But as planned, only one group will make it. Until tomorrow.

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