Chapter 3

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I stood there for a while holding my bow until the blond boy starts to put his down, then I slowly aim it downward. The rest of the boys start to put their weapons away, and with the weapons away I walk off. Soon after I see Stella and Jasmine taking guard.

I manage to rest, but only for a few hours. When I wake I see that the other 3 walls have opened and the other one still open. Guards stand on the boy's side too.

Caroline runs to me and I smile at her presence.

"I got an idea," she tells me in her light English accent.

"Do tell," I reply.

"We could send a note!"

I am disappointed at the idea, if you thought about it, there would be nothing to say. I shake my head, "No, Caroline. There is nothing to say."

She looks disappointed with my answer and turns away, "Fine, let's just starve to death."

Mid-day comes quick as I do my daily chores and I hear the light beep sound of the supples. A smile crosses my face.

Everyone seems delighted to hear the lift come up, and I couldn't help be myself.

I open the lift when it arrives and see the only thing in it is a piece of paper.

Everyone around is as shocked as I am. I jump down and open the piece of paper. Talking erupt.

"What does it say?"

"Open it!"

"We're dead with no supples!"

I ignore them and start to read the perfect text.

'The two genders that now have a way to communicate have been given this piece of paper. No supples will be shipped up from this point forward. Supples will only be shipped when one gender is completely illimiated . As well as supples the surviving gender will be given the exit to the maze.'

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