Chapter 26

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****Chloe's POV*****

What the heck, why did Angle do that. I told her I wanted her to lead group one and that none of the hated should be in that group. Newt at the top of the list!

I gave her a long glare. I'll admit it didn't mean must for HIM to be in that group, but Angle gave a direct act of betrayal. HOW COULD SHE? I'm going crazy, aren't I?

Angle directed the rest of the groups, following the rules. Maybe she just made a mistake.

Everyone huddled into their groups, so I headed towards Angle.

Newt stopped me and looked into my eyes deep sadness within them, "I'm sorry."

"Leave your apologies for your death." I said glaring back at him.

I started to walk away, "Chloe, those are different memories. That's a different person. I'm not the glue anymore, I'm just Newt."

I ignored him walking away. He did have a point. No he didn't just yell at Angle. Gosh I sound like the devil.

"What was that?" I snared at Angle.

"Oh, yeah. Well I made a slight change of plans."


"Thomas doesn't look innocent. Gally doesn't look innocent. But Newt. He has no clue what he did to you. He obvious is different. He...umm...cares for you."

My mind cleans a bit with her words. Like a block of hatred pushed away.


"Well let's not punish him, okay?"

She seems pleading.

"Fine. But, don't go easy on him."

She shakes her head, yes.

*****Newt's POV****

I stand in a crowd of people I barely know. Waiting for something to happen. I feel bad about what I supposedly did to Chloe.

Angle came over looking satisfied. Ok I'll lead you to your dorms. We walk into the room and see bunkbeds lining the small room.

"Nothing is done without my permission, got it? Now any questions"

"Yeah," says a boy in the back.

" are we all being saved?"

"That's the thing," Angel starts, "not all of you are."

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