Days Leading Up

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It had been two weeks since you left Vancouver. Hiatuses from the show were one thing, but a hiatus from being on set felt like it lasted forever. It had also been two weeks since you started going out with Osric. You skyped him almost every day. Today, just so happened to be Wednesday which meant another episode of Supernatural was airing. Episode 15 was on tonight which was not necessarily anything special enough for the guys to tweet but it was special for the women since it was the second episode directed by rare SPN female director, Nina Lopez-Corrado. The last episode she directed had been episode 17 of S11 entitled, "Red Meat". So you know what that meant: another female tweeting party. You, Kat, Lisa, Ruth, Nina, and Alaina were all hanging out at the cafe to watch and tweet.

"You are slaying Nina!" said Lisa as the episode reached a commercial break.

"Thanks!" She said beaming, "These guys were fantastic to work with!"

You smiled, "I know." you said grabbing your drink, "You need to direct me"

"Maybe I will get to seems as you are going to be coming back for the majority of next season" said Nina as you took a sip of your drink.

"I'm really excited!" You said thinking about the future.

"But you know what that means." said Alaina "You will probably end up getting killed off"

"I sure hope not." You laughed as you looked around the table and realized most of the women there have been killed off.

"If they get signed on for another season it's almost inevitable." Lisa joked.

"Then you can join the club!" said Alaina and everyone laughed

"Well until then," you said trying to get the subject off of you, "Who is coming to Paris con?"

You looked around the table as everyone seemed to take a sip of their drinks at the same time before Kat spoke up, "I wish I could, but I have a golf tournament that weekend."

"It's still a wee bit iffy for me." Ruth said with a frown.

"Oh, I forgot," you said disappointed, "You all have careers outside Supernatural."

"You do too!" said Kat trying to boost your mood.

"Not at the moment." you said giving off a pity smile

"Well at least you have a love life," said Kat.

"I've had a love life for two weeks," you said.

"Come on," said Nina, "You're dating Osric Chau."

"He's a real cutie isn't he?" said Ruth smiling.

You smiled thinking about Osric, "Yeah" you said, "but I never get to see him anymore."

"Hello!" said Lisa, "You're going to Paris with him."

"Does anybody else have their eyes open?" Asked Alaina out of nowhere. She waited for an answer that never came, "She's been dating him for two weeks, the world knows about it, and if they break up she has to see him at every convention and answer fans about it for the rest of her career."

"Yeah," you said kind of taken back, "but we aren't going to break up."

"Said Sonny and Cher," said Alaina taking a sip of her drink. You wondered if she was right. You hadn't really thought about that. You looked down at your drink.

"Well they aren't Sonny and Cher." said Kat trying to lighten the mood again. She looked over at you. "Hey Y/N, you want to go shopping tomorrow for Paris?"

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