Happiest Place on Earth?

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Summary: reader introduces her ex to friends and awkward undertakes a new meaning


You sat at the table in the lovely French restaurant next to Osric and across from Jared, Jensen, and Misha. It was just you and the guys. Rob and Rich were there too. Briana, Felicia, and Kim went to an art show. You were invited but would rather spend time with Osric since you hadn't been paying very much attention to him lately due to your mind constantly running off to Eric. The lights were bright at night in Paris and you played with your meal. You weren't eating so much as you were talking.

"You guys are grown men!" you laughed as Jared had just said something funny.

"Correction." Jared countered, "Jensen is a grown man. Misha and I are younger than we look!"

Misha put on a serious face that reminded you of Castiel, "Don't drag me into this. I'm perfectly normal."

You called bull on his comment, "Misha you have got to be the weirdest guy I know."

"And I'm proud of that." his expression changed as he laughed.

"Hey I say we make a toast." said Jensen raising his glass. "To a fan-freakin-tastic season and an awesome new castmate we hope won't get killed off before we can really prank her."

"I'd like to see you try." you challenged and everyone laughed and took a sip of their drinks. Your sip was cut short when you felt a buzz in your purse. You looked down under the table to see a text from Eric on your phone.

Eric: Hey I got your text. If you guys meet me at the park I can get you guys in the park early.

"Y/N?" you heard Misha ask but you were so consumed with your thoughts it sounded like an echo in a cave.

"Huh?" you asked looking up.

"I said," said Misha, "What do you think of my escargot stache?"

"It's nice." you said looking at your phone not really registering the question. You felt Misha's face drop disappointed that he couldn't hear your laugh.

"Hey who are you texting?" Jensen asked. "A new boyfriend?" He was only joking but you jumped up.

"Hey her boyfriend is right here." Osric laughed putting an arm around you.

You laughed too as they stared at you. You quickly remembered you had a question to answer, "I was actually just texting my friend about the discount."

"Osric sounds like you got some competition" Jared joked.

"Ha ha very funny." Osric smiled. You heard his voice in your ear. You loved his voice and you wanted to focus on his voice but you couldn't help it. You felt your mind wandering to the distant memory of his voice.

* "I would buy that fridge in a heartbeat." Eric said as you chopped the broccoli. He had just finished watching your commercial on television.

"Be honest," you smiled, still cutting, "if I wasn't selling it you wouldn't even consider it."

"That's the point. It's your first commercial." You felt his arms wrap around your waist and you heard his voice in your ear, "I'm so proud of you."

"I've got many more to come." you smiled before giving him a peck.

"You're meant for more than commercials I know it." he said taking a piece of the broccoli. "One day our grandkids will wonder will wonder how we got our starts and we can show them a hamburger and refrigerator ad."

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