A Chance

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SPN cast x Reader

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SPN cast x Reader

Summary: The TCAs draw closer and come up with as the J2M and reader plan to save the reader's career and love life.


You were just getting out of wardrobe and were heading to the car as Clif would be driving you and to your next location. For the next scene, you would be riding around in Baby. You passed Misha on your way who had just finished a few of his scenes and he was carrying a bag of pretzels.

"Don't mind if I do." you said grabbing one and putting it in your mouth.

"I hope you washed your hands." he joked giving you a hug, "We've been at the same place all day but I haven't seen you all morning."

"I know." you agreed with a smile, "We've never even had an episode together."

"Well, we'll get one soon." he smiled, "I'll let you go. The impala's waiting."

"See ya later!" you waved before stuffing a few more pretzels in your mouth.

The ride to the location wasn't very long. You were just going out to where there weren't many cars so you could drive around. Soon enough you had gotten there and you were switching cars. The whole ride had been kind of boring without your phone though. Jensen probably forgot he had it. You really wanted to look up that article. You got out of the car and even though it was summer it was still cool outside. You had your sweatshirt on with your sides in your hand. You didn't even have any lines in this scene since you were just supposed to be passed out in the backseat. You ran to join the director and Jared and Jensen as the crew had finished setting up lighting and the camera.

"Okay," Thomas pepped, "can I get you guys in places. Jensen, you know the drill on where to drive." he then turned to the cameraman, "Lenny I want a few shots on Y/N so guys make sure to look back when you talk about her."

"Hey Wright," Jared asked looking down at his script, "do you want me to-"

"Let's just see it, then we'll pick at it." Thomas interrupted him.

"Okay cool." Jared gave a thumbs up.

"Easy enough" you smiled as Jared put an arm around you to warm you up.

"That's because all you have to do is sleep." Jensen joked.

"Precisely." you smiled up at him before you all got in the car. Jared sat in the passengers and Jensen in the drivers while you laid down in the back without a seatbelt.

"Okay. I'm not gonna skip that line this time." Jared said pointing to a line in the script.

"Yeah, you better not." Jensen smiled putting the keys in the ignition.

"Okay, you're good to go." Thomas said as Jensen drove down the road. You had gotten comfortable and were kind of getting sleepy pretending to be sleeping. Eventually, you were far enough away where the car cameras wouldn't catch the crew in the distance.

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