Chapter 4: Return

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   "Sam...You can't be serious...You're really going to go back after what happened? You are aren't you..."

Momo looked into the blue eyes of her friend, she hoped he was joking about going back to Fredbear's but all she could see was a burning flame of determination. He wasn't one to joke, to begin with, but going BACK to the place that he could have died in? Was he that stupid? She could barely believe it.

"You know I have to. It's the only way to prove that William was the one responsible...If it would make you feel better you can come with me."

Sam tried for a reassuring smile but it was clear he was nervous as well. She couldn't blame him for it either as after it was explained to him what happened, he just about passed out again. He didn't remember anything other than walking inside the building and waking up in the hospital. Apparently, he had relieved his first day while he was under which as far as the doctors could figure didn't actually happen as his brain activity was more or less well, non-existent other than basic functions which meant what he had relived wasn't possible.

"You sure? You are aware I'm not exactly the strongest...or fastest...well, to put it bluntly, if things go bad I'm screwed."

"Ah, I thought about that and I got a taser for you. Figured it would be light enough to use easily BUT useful enough to be worth it."

He slowly pulled out a small box, maybe six inches across and three high. It didn't have any special markings or overly bright colors which was fitting of Sam, and a smart move as it would be less likely to attract attention had they been out in public.

"When...when did you get this?"

The short woman raised an eyebrow. She, admittedly, wasn't the best with keeping track of Sam but this was something that had gone unnoticed which made it even more surprising than it would have had she known in the first place. It was a nice thought that he got it for her but it still kind of bothered her. A taser? That was...something alright. Why not a knife or some sort of blunt object like a bat...

"Because he doesn't know what state the animatronics are in dummy..."

It wasn't like her to not realize what Sam was thinking when he did something but for whatever reason, this took her a moment to process. It had been six years since Fredbear's closed down so surely the animatronics wouldn't be functional...if there was anything left of them anyway but a taser would still be useful regardless of if she used it there or not.

"I um... I made it myself actually..."

He was looking away from her, still holding the box out for her to take. Gently she took it from his hands and opened it. The thing was rather simplistic, a button to activate it, and what looked like three different miniature metal poles, likely for the electrical current to flow through.

"Y-you like it?"

He was studying her face, a soft expression fixed upon his own. It was pretty obvious that he was trying to hide how much her opinion meant to her about this but it was failing, quite badly. It was kind of adorable even if he was a six foot three giant compared to her.

"Yes Sam, it's nice but has it been tested?"

It was a serious question as it could mean the difference between stopping an animatronic and burning the diner to the ground. Of course, she had good reason to believe that yes, yes he had since it was Sam she was questioning. The man let little escape him...other than time since he got so into his work that he could spend hours on something and not realize it until someone pulled him back to reality. It was kind of admirable about him that he had that much of a desire while working to do the task at hand that little would stop him but it also annoyed her as she wanted to know him better but every time she'd go to talk to him he was wrapped up in whatever it was he was doing at the moment.

"Of course. I wanted to make sure it was functional before I handed it over...this is actually the third attempt at it as the other two didn't work at all."

Momo closed the box and set it aside before looking into Sam's eyes once more, if they were going to do this then they needed to have a solid plan if anything were to happen. To be fair to him, he probably had at least three different plans as it was.

"What's the plan then?"

"Well since nothing seems to have actually happened we just need to get in, get the papers and get out."

It would have been that straight forwards but of course, it was never that easy. It was NEVER that easy.

After some more discussing, the two headed out to Fredbear's once more. Unaware of just what exactly they had gotten into.

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