Chapter 21:Plastic Tombs

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Night had fallen. The house was silent. Except one man was still awake, staring into the void of his room. Occasionally he’d see a single red dot. Six white ones. One orange one. Two red ones. 

    They never moved closer. They were already in his head at this point so why would they? They had done their damage and this time it was simply to study him, see how he held up. His mind may have taken many a blow but he didn’t flinch. He was too busy thinking about everything. Wondering how his life had gone so horribly wrong...become so...utterly fucked really. 

    He had lost everything he loved in only a few days and now? Now he wanted to go back to the days where he was so utterly lost in the haze that it never bothered him…


    He couldn’t go back to that. He had left that part of his life behind for a reason but it called to him like a siren. A falsehood that if he returned things would be better. It wouldn’t change anything. Never did. It was a momentary escape from reality that was ruined the day after. It was time things ended once and for all How did he end it? William’s creations were running rampant and his body was likely taken somewhere so what was the plan here? What did he have to do? 

    Slowly he became aware of an odd sensation that there was somewhere he needed to be. It was inherently wrong given it was so late in the night so what on earth was it? Ignoring it only made it...angry. That was the best word for it since the feeling only seemed to grow the more he ignored it. It was starting to annoy him.

    “Ok fine. Fine...Just...where on earth am I going?”

    The feeling, if one could call it that, didn’t share any directions. Either it couldn’t or was waiting for the man to get going. It didn’t give any indications about what it wanted other than the feeling of needing to go somewhere. 

    Slowly Sam got up from his bed, grabbed a shirt, his shoes and headed out to his car. He wasn’t worried about Mike since he was with Momo meaning that no one in the house would worry about him in the morning. Granted it took that long to get back from wherever it was this odd sensation was directing him. 

    “You got anything to share with me or am I on my own for the moment?”

    No response came. The feeling was still there but otherwise, there was no direction, no clear goal to it. No obvious reason really. The feeling was just there. Not doing much. 

    “Ok...I guess I should get to the road first.”

    The man’s blue eyes properly adjusted to the darkness of the night as he walked out to his old truck. It was a dark blue Ford F-150 he had restored some time ago, never actually figured out the year it was from but hey. It got him where he needed to go and it seemed he had a midnight drive ahead of him. 

    The door opened silently as the blonde pulled himself into the cabin of the truck. It was way too late into the night for this but the feeling hadn’t dissipated and his half-asleep state wasn’t helpful and something was telling him it would be a long drive.


    “What the? Oh...It’s you. Alright, to town it is.”

    Samuel was wide awake now, the feeling was still there but whatever was causing it finally spoke. It sounded like it was right next to him in the truck but there was no one there so it took him a moment to figure out where it came from.

    The old engine groaned before properly popping to life and the man left, his house was dark and empty for the night so he didn’t bother looking back. However, he did start questioning things.

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