Chapter 14: Unanswered Questions

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"Oh, they're gone."

Mike let out a sigh. It wasn't that he hated either of them, quite the opposite really but he had needed some time alone for a while and Sam's...protectiveness? Was that the term? Whatever. The point was it got annoying since it was constant even if Momo was a wonderful woman to have as company.

"Well...where would I even begin here? I have so many questions that I want to be answered..."

The young man looked down to his journal, how many times had he written the questions? How many strokes of his pencil had they taken? How many times had he gone back and forth with Charlie about them? It was far too many.

"No matter, I can find them myself now that they're gone."

Slowly he grabbed his journal, a simple black thing with a loose grey strap to bookmark where he was and an elastic black strap to hold it closed, and headed up to the second floor. This was where all the answers would be. He HAD to know. He needed to understand.

"What secrets do you hold?"

The house remained silent but there was an odd feeling in the air that he wasn't alone which bothered him. Momo and Sam had left the house did someone get in...or were they always here? It didn't feel inherently evil or out to cause harm but it was there. Someone or something was in the house.

"Shit...Sam, I swear to god..."

Mike finally reached the top of the stairs and started heading for the workshop, something he rarely ever saw, as it seemed to be where the weird presence was coming from. Something made him stop though. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that there was a blanket on the couch that wasn't there before. For some odd reason, the sight was humorous to him but he didn't stare for too long as he had one question that needed answering.

"Well, time to find out what's up now."

He reached a hand out for the knob of the door but hesitated. There was a slight...ringing in the air. He felt like he should have known about it yet couldn't place anything. Gently he started to turn the knob and open the door to find the space was surprisingly open from the usual clutter of various animatronic bodies.

"Ok? Where did everything go?"

The room was lit only by the sunlight coming through the windows which made it kind of hard to see much of anything but it was enough to see that the work table had papers sitting on it. Off to one side was Sammy.

Wait. Sammy?

"What the hell?!"

Mike's grey eyes widened as he finally noticed that he wasn't alone in the room. It explained the odd feeling of not being alone but of all people? That was impossible. Sammy was gone. Taken by his father years ago so what was going on here?

"Sam, you have a lot of explaining to do because this is absurd even for you...wait...Is...Ella?"

Sammy's form flickered between the true form and the falsehood that was before Mike. the doll didn't speak but it was making noise, specifically the ringing noise. There was yet another question that needed answering...or did it?

"Alright...think. You're a rational person. What is going on."

His head felt like it was spinning but that was due to the whole "flickering" thing going on but he tried to put it together. Henry built Ella...Charlie had this in her bedroom...Did Henry make this as a coping mechanism? It seemed likely but it brought into question something he never really thought about as it felt like a nightmare but now? Now it wasn't. Not after finding this.

"Oh god..."

Mike left the room, shutting the door behind him. It was too much for him to deal with, he KNEW what that ringing was and it wasn't good. At least not the last time he heard it anyway.

"That...Oh god...This can't be real."

The young man shot through the house to the only wired phone there was and called a very specific number. He needed to tell them. They were in serious danger now that he put everything together.

"Charlie. It's me, lock all the doors in the house. Make sure the windows are shut and blocked. My father's experiments are on the loose."

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