It's Always the Poor Best Friend (Chapter 3)

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Xian didn't waste a second once he heard Jamil ask 'who are you.' He jumps out of his bed and runs out the door barefoot. Xian pushes back his black hair with blue streaks that keep on attacking his frames.

His dark eyes search the narrow walkway for anything that would tell him about where his best friend is. But he couldn't find anything except for the broken pieces of, assumingly, Jamil's phone.

Xian puts his dark-colored hand on the pieces. He could feel Jamil's faint magic energy from it. Whoever attacked him must've made him scared. His hand gently grabs the cracked glasses frame.

He was scared so his magic reacted. Except he hasn't been to the Magic World in a while...the last time I was able to take him was too long ago...Xian bites his lip. He gets up and follows the trail. Which leads him to the wall.

His magic should've reacted with the situation...unless his magic is something that needs focus...

Xian's hands form fists as the magic energy is lost to the wind. He slams them against the wall and takes deep breaths.

He takes out his own phone and dials his mom's number.

"Xian? Nice of you to call ten years later," Kiara says in a joking manner.

"Ma, someone took Jamil. I have no idea who, but someone took him! And it's definitely someone from the Magic World because I sense a different mage energy from Jamil's," Xian blurts.

"Call Yi Min, we're going back home," Kiara swiftly ends the call. Xian then dials his sister's number and hopes that maybe she's in the Magic World and not here.

She doesn't pick up. Xian glances around then opens a mini-portal to his Magic Space. He then calls Yi Min through his other phone.

"Everything good bro?" Yi Min asks. "You don't usually call at this time."

"Someone took Jamil. Someone from our planet, I have no idea who, but we have to find him!" Xian starts to panic. "Jamil has absolutely zero idea about anything and, and, and he's just too damn nice to get himself out of any situation!"

"Okay, calm down, I'm going to start looking and tell the Magic Council. You and mama just focus on getting back here."

"Thank you, we'll be there soon and by that, I mean like ten plicks."

Xian ends the call and jumps out of his Magic Space. He then runs over to the bus stop and checks the schedule. When he couldn't find any times for now, he decides to use his magic.

It's a simple teleportation spell to somewhere he knows. Right in his mama's house. Kiara grabs the keys from the island and throws Xian a pair of shoes.

Kiara's silver hair is up in a bun, showing her undercuts. Her skin is darker than Xian's but definitely more cared for. Kiara opens a portal to her Magic Space and the two of them job through.

"We're gonna be in trouble for using portals but Jamil is more important," Kiara takes the driver's seat of the private spacecraft and then takes off. Ripping through her Magic Space.

The stars glitter around them as they zoom through the vast universe. Multiple planets pop up, telling them that they're in their own galaxy.

They pass by the Cybrog's planet and turn around to get to their home planet.

"That's where the Masters all nearly died," Xian's eyes widen at the sight. Although you couldn't tell anymore, Xian could still feel the rush of magic energy. "If Owen died there...oh my gosh, I don't know what would happen."

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