Adventures In The Supermarket (Chapter 9)

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"Woah! This place is huge!" Alex and Ava exclaim, already running past their friends and checking out the multiple items available.

"They've got everything here don't they?" Brenton looks up at the hologram stating where different items are.

"Welcome to Izora Supermarket!" A employee walks over to them. "Enjoy your shopping and if there's anything I can help with, just let me know."

"Thank you," Owen inclines his head respectfully. "But I think we'll just look around for now."

"Of course! There are help holograms around, so if you ever need help, just press them and one of the employees would be happy to help," the employee returns the gesture before greeting the next customer.

"This is bigger than the mall we went to," Urana looks up at all the other floors. Water spirals around them in thin transparent tubes that go to the center of the building and fall into a pond.

"Everyone has been here. So just so you guys know what everyone's talking about, we're here," Sasha looks through around for Alex and Ava. "I think we lost the babies."

"Found them," Brenton comes back with both of them, holding their hands. "Okay, this place is huge, we can't just separate alright? This floor is just the entrance anyway."

"Then let's get going! There's so much here!" Ava tugs at Brenton's hand and he follows.

"Ava, slow down a bit! We need to see everything in detail," Urana could barely glimpse at half the things on the entrance floor.

"What are you? A Desi auntie?" Owen hides his laughter at his own joke, knowing that the others wouldn't get it.

"Where should we go first?" Alex's wide eyes look at the hologram with the different floors on it.

"Let's not break the bank guys. We don't even have our own money so no buying anything," Brenton points out.

"Don't be such a downer, I've got money," Sasha flashes her card. "And I suggest we go to the bakery first. They've got the best fiddlesticks in the city."

"I agree, we haven't actually had fiddlesticks yet," Urana nods.

"We should just buy all the sweets in the bakery," Ava suggests.

"Yes!" Alex hops up and down. Then Ava starts hopping and the two of them burst into a fit of giggles.

Sasha taps the floor with the bakery and they're all teleported up. They land right inside the food court. Sasha leads them towards the bakery, which is glowing a soft brown color and looks cozy.

"Okay! Fiddlesticks for six!" Sasha goes over to the counter and taps in their order. They then go in line to wait for their delicious treats.

"Cleo! What is this? We have to get this imported into Iring."

The teens whip their heads around to see none other than Cleo and Jasmine walking by with their order.

Cleo with her grayish-looking skin and green cat eyes has herself in a crop-top that shows off her muscular build. Cleo could easily tower over anyone. Her gray hair is loose and not in the general cap the teens are used to.

Jasmine isn't wearing her black cloak, but instead a lighter color which brings out her shoulder-length, wavy black hair and onyx eyes. Her deep walnut skin is brought out by the color of her outfit. Jasmine easily competes with Cleo in height and muscular build.

"Jasmine, we can't just import everything you like," Cleo rolls her eyes. "Also, this is supposed to be my day off, so why are you here again?"

"Because I wanted to spend some time with you!" Jasmine smiles. "After you nearly got yourself killed. Like five hundred times this past month, what even Cleo?"

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