End Of December (Chapter 35)

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"So all you have to do is hack into her security footage and then we've got solid evidence to get Adaj arrested," Amy explains as she walks next to Scott, passing by the gates.

"Huh? I already hacked into it and have all the security footage since she moved in," Scott then taps his wrist. "And it's all in my hard drive."

"Wow, you work fast," Amy grins.

"Tch, this planet's technology is like a baby compared to ours," Scott rolls his eyes. "C'mon, let's go before the police get us."

"Pfft, like the police can catch us," Amy laughs as they walk away from the building together.

"Good point. How's Jamil doing?"

"I don't really know. He's jumpy, but I also haven't seen much of him given the wedding is only a few days away...it's like the end of this week I'm pretty sure."

"This should be enough. I'll take out the things that we need with Owen and Urana once we get back. You can join too since you're the lawyer."

"Yeah, I'll c-" Amy stops mid-word. Standing in front of them is Adaj, with a nice smile on her face.

"Amy! I've been meaning to talk to you. Do you have some time?" Adaj asks.

"Uh, sure," Amy shrugs. "You go first Scott, I'll come later after I'm done here."

"Okay, I'll be going now," Scott pushes up his glasses with his middle finger, and only his middle finger as he walks by. Adaj is completely oblivious. Amy hides her laughter by biting her lip and Scott rolls his eyes at her with a smile.

Amy and Adaj end up going to Lucy's bakery. Her rainbow hair is easy to spot in the crowd and she gladly greets Amy.

"What can I get you two?" Lucy asks.

"Just a slice of red velvet cake," Adaj says.

"I'll take the lava cake," Amy adds.

"Alright! Go sit down and I'll bring a fresh one from the oven for you two!" Lucy smiles, looking more towards Amy, then runs off.

The two ladies sit down across from each other at one of the tables. Amy looks over at Adaj to see that her face has suddenly gone dark.

"Listen here Amy, I know what you're doing. It's no coincidence that you've been coming to my house lately," Adaj narrows her eyes.

"I happen to pass by and stop since your house is so good looking," Amy shrugs. "That probably looked weird, so sorry about that."

"Don't play dumb with me, Amy," Adaj takes something out of her purse. "You know exactly what I mean. I know what you're doing. If you know what's good for you, you'll stop immediately, and so close to the wedding..."

"Yeah, that's not happening anytime soon," Amy grins. "I'm not backing down, especially since it's so close to the wedding."

"These teens and that old man you value. I'll ruin all of them. I'll have them killed," Adaj shows pictures of them.

Amy starts laughing. The pictures are hilarious, it's their school photos. She couldn't stop laughing even as Lucy brought over their desserts.

Amy goes so far as to take out her phone and send them into the family group chat. "They look terrible," she wipes tears from her eyes.

"Do you not care about them at all? I'll kill them!" Adaj furiously eats her cake.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just funny how you think you can kill them. Oh gosh, I'm not worried at all!" Amy looks down at her phone. "Hold on, I have to share this."

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