I Can't Leave You (Chapter 17)

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"Right there Gator, aim your attack at him!" The wolf points with his paw.

Gator aims his hand at the tiny Owen in the distance. Gator's giant hands glow bright green. The green shoots out of Gator's hands and flies straight at Owen.

Owen's eyes widen as the green attack is just a second away.


The earth mage watches as Jamil comes running from somewhere. He stands right in front of Owen. Who barely has enough time to put up a shield as the green attack hits them both.

They end up flying backwards into a tree. Owen groans loudly, feeling the pressure of his brother slamming against him too.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" Jamil frantically pats Owen's cheek, who's lying on the ground. Jamil's hands are still tied but that doesn't stop him from checking Owen's pulse. "Oh Alhumdurillah, you're okay."

"Me?! What about you?! C'mon, we've gotta get out of here!" Owen summons his katana and slices the ropes off of Jamil's wrists. They're red and they both know it'll leave marks because this isn't the first time he's got his hands tied.

"Jamil! What the actual fuck?!" The wolf starts to sniff around for them. The giant named Gator stumbles around as well, probably triggering multiple alarms. "How'd he get out of the rope?"

"He'll find us. We can run all we want but he'd still find us," Jamil then cups Owen's masked cheeks with his hands. "You run."

"Oh don't be an idiot, this isn't a Bollywood movie!" Owen grabs Jamil's hand. "We're going right now! You can't stop me!" Owen starts running, dragging Jamil along with him.

"Owen, he's coming! You can't fight him!" Jamil cries out, looking over his shoulder to see Blaez sprinting towards them.

"Maybe not, but I sure as hell will try," Owen thrusts his free hand upwards, causing the ground after them to rise up.

Blaez uses the heightened land to jump off of. He tackles Jamil to the ground, turning into a human.

Owen turns around and his hands glow green, he aims them right at the human wolf. Gator comes up behind the human wolf, there's no way Owen could do anything.

"Nice try pipsqueak!" The human wolf yells. "But now you get to watch your brother die!"

"Please, Blaez," Jamil looks up at the huffing wolf. "You know yourself better than anyone else here. Do you really think this is okay?"

Owen doesn't waste another second and slams Blaez off of Jamil. Owen then puts up a shield around the him and his brother and starts to run again, practically carrying his brother with one hand.

"How are you doing that?" Jamil's eyes widen in shock.

"No time to explain, we've gotta get to the base," Owen sprints. Now wishing he took Cross County like Brenton in the fall rather than soccer. "I'm going to get you out of here."

"Owen, he's going to find you before we even leave the forest! And are you nuts?! Going up against someone stronger than you?!" Jamil worries. "He'll hurt you! He's going to kill me in front of you!"

"I'm not leaving without you bhai," Owen looks at his brother, but he's got a mask on so there's nothing to see.

"But I want you to leave without me," Jamil digs his heels into the ground. Owen lifts Jamil up further, and continues to sprint. "Owen, you see that blue light? That's his friend, we can't leave."

"No, we're going to get outta here!" Owen refuses to stop. He keeps running, hoping for the best. "I prayed an extra two Nafil for this! I'm not going to go without you!"

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