Search and Fail (Chapter 6)

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Ava ties her hair with a silver bow. She then tightens the bow before turning around to her small bag.

This bow has magic for sure! I think dad must've known that I'm the Elemental Master of he is, I'm assuming.

Ava puts the bag over her shoulder and walks out of her room. Tyler comes out of his room, his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"You're leaving?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, it's a camp thing so I kinda have to," Ava laughs nervously. "Why ask? You gonna miss me?"

"Tch, as IF I'd miss you," Tyler rolls his eyes. Ava simply grins at him, opening up her arms. Tyler quickly runs towards her and hugs his older sister. "Do you have to go? You're always gone...and you're never home."

"I'm sorry Tyler," Ava ruffles his blond hair. "But I have to start doing things to help me get into college...applications are due soon and I'm really not as qualified as others."

"Ava, you so are capable!" Tyler exclaims, looking down at his sister. "Who else can make anyone else laugh? Lighten people's mood? You've got a talent for being funny! And for learning things quickly!"

"Yeah, but that's not really all I want to do with my life," Ava smiles. "And jeez, why are you so tall? Like I have to break my neck to look at you, just like looking at Owen and Urana. My poor neck!" She rubs us jokingly.

"Hardy har har," Tyler fake laughs as Ava doubles over with laughter. "You're so obnoxious honestly."

"Yeah, but you still love me!" Ava pokes her cheeks with her fingers and runs down the stairs.

"Yeah, right!" Tyler runs after her.

"Be nice to your sister Tyler," their mom steps out of her room. Her red hair in the usual bun but her hazel eyes are more tired. "You never know what might be the last time you see her."

"Jeez, way to get all dark on us mam," Ava has a small smile on her face.

"No, it's true!" Her mom cries out. "We don't know if we'll see you after your camp trip! And you're hardly ever home too!"

"Mam, I'm sorry, but this is important," Ava frowns. "I wish I could explain but...I'm not ready to."

"Ready to explain what?" Tyler's brown eyes widen. "Explain. What are you trying to say?"

"That I'm trying to get a free education so that Mam doesn't have to worry about me!" Ava holds back on the secret. "You go to work and it's hard, I know. I just want to make sure I can get a scholarship so that you don't have to worry about my college!"

"Ava, sweetie," her mom comes over and wraps her arms around her child. "You don't have to go to such lengths for me. Whatever you're doing, do it for yourself."

Tyler looks at the ground, biting his lip.

"Yeah...I'm gonna be late so I gotta go," Ava rubs her tired eyes. "I love you two." She runs out the door.

"Love you too," the two of them call out after her.

Ava runs towards Ku's house. I should tell them the truth shouldn't I? But dad didn't tell Mam...and for what reason?

What should I do? They know I'm not home all that much. Between school, training, and these visits...well, we don't visit unless it's a long weekend during school.

But that's still not enough time to be at wonder Sensei keeps on telling everyone we gotta go because I've been away for too long.

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