Obsesive Much? (Chapter 26)

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"Being possessed by a demon...well, imma be honest with you kids," the hero looked up at all of them. "Run the opposite direction. If a mage is possessed by a demon, their magic ability and pretty much everything goes above what they'd normally be capable of. Plus the demon is probably really strong and you're pretty much doomed."

Yeah, I'm doomed.

"Friend...? Don't tell me you're possessed by a demon," Red gulps.

"Oh, I am. And boy does this power feel good!" Madison laughs. A literal evil laugh. "And now I can have ALL THAT I WANT!"

"Oh, I'm fucking screwed," Red strengthens his shield that's slowly falling apart.

One of them manages to grab onto Red, who turns his head around and his lasers shoot right through the conjurings.

So they're easy to get rid of, that's good. Let's hope I can last longer than they do...

Red focuses on getting rid of the magic conjurings, knowing that Madison is simply watching from afar.

"Hey, um, if anyone is getting this, I could use some help! Madison's willingly possessed by a demon," Red speaks into the message and it sends.

He's thrown off balance by multiple conjurings slamming into him. His eyes glow and shoot, piercing through multiple of them. Acid drops from the sky and he puts up his arm as a red shield surrounds him like an umbrella.

"Incoming message from Blue Wire: I'm about to fight a Duel with the Queen of Technology, if you guys could send someone to free Xander that would great so that I don't have to actually win this," Red's suit tells him.

"I have to get to him!" Red blurts out loud. He looks to where Madison is standing, her arms crossed and black marking on her face and eyes.

And I have to get past Madison in order to do that. Because she'll just send them after me if I try to run and then Blue Wire will get hurt because of me. Okay, what else do I know about being possessed by a demon?

"If the mage is willingly possessed then you just need to leave," the hero continued. "Of course this is all if you're faced to fight someone. If not, then it's probably just a symbiotic relationship and that's normal. Anyway, just avoid it if you can. You don't get how bad it can be."

That guy didn't even tell us what to do! Red groans out loud. And because of that, I'm about to be creamed! Not to mention that my little brother could use my help!

Caught up in thinking, Red notices too late the grabbing of his arms. He yanks but the conjurings are somehow pretty strong.

Red shoots at them with his lasers and they disintegrate. He then drops on his feet and charges towards Madison.

Madison notices and waves her hand forward, sending more and more conjurings towards him.

Suddenly, Red freezes. His arms hang uselessly at his sides. Madison bursts into laughter. She points at his arms and throws her head back in laughter.

"Oh my gosh! Look at that! You forgot they have paralyzing abilities!" Madison laughs. "The one that hit you first must've hit an organ or something."

"Damnit!" Red swings his head around and shoots at the conjurings and continues to run at full speed. That means my heart will be paralyzed if they touch my chest. "I'm still going to fight!"

"Of course you are," Madison narrows her eyes. They start glowing blue and she thrusts both her hands forward. Red lets out a sigh as even more magic conjurings fly towards him.

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