Secrets Of The Heart (Chapter 37)

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"To celebrate, we're going to the Magic World!" Red announces a day after the court day. It's nearing the end of winter break for the teens and Jamil and Xian.

"We're cutting it pretty close," Owen sighs. "But I also love going to the Magic World...and I want fiddlesticks!"

"Hurry and pack! We will be leaving soon!" Ku runs around the house, getting everyone to hurry up as well.

The visiting mages are all ready to go. They're all busy waiting on the teens, who are taking their sweet time for a day trip.

Amy couldn't stop herself from moving, she jumps on her toes then hops from foot to the other.

"What's wrong? You're jumpy, like extra jumpy today..." Hiro questions.

"He likes me back. How am I supposed to hold myself back now?!" Amy cries out, grabbing Hiro by his shirt and shakes him around. "I can't do it. I just can't. It's not possible."

"I am literally the last mage you should be asking," Hiro's voice sounds distorted as he's shaken around. "But you have to respect his decision. Besides, can't you just hold it in since you've been doing it for so long anyway? And please stop shaking me..!"

"Ugh, that was when I didn't admit it myself but now I admit it and he likes me back!" Amy rolls her eyes. "I swear I'm a mess."

"Help me," Hiro looks to his siblings. They all stifle their laughter and only Red comes to his rescue.

"Amy, congrats again on winning the case. You're amazing," Red gently takes Amy's hands off of Hiro's shirt.

"Well, duh, I'm amazing," Amy grins. "Besides, it was just the truth. And the truth will always prevail! Did you get my law students there?"

"Yeah! They were all really impressed," Quill jumps at the chance to answer. "They said thank you for inviting them to see it. But they're high school students who had a lot to say about you and Jamil." A sly smirk.

"Impressive as always sis," Rohan hooks his arm with Amy's. "Didn't expect anything less of lawyer Amy."

"Don't encourage her ego," Scott says in an exhausted voice. "We're not going to hear the end of this."

"There's a lot we won't hear the end of," Hiro points out and they all burst out laughing.

"Give the poor guy some space," Hiromi comes over. "But I have to admit, I'm really impressed. Amy, you are seriously a badass lawyer."

"Aww, thanks mom," Amy smiles. "I am pretty badass in general. It's only right that my lawyer skills are just as badass." She offers Hiromi a wink, who kisses Amy's head.

Ku comes down with the teens running down in front of him. They all have only a small bag whereas Amy, Ku, and all the other mages who came here are carrying nothing.

"Is Mama Rose really not coming?" Sasha asks.

"They said that they would stay. Plus Xian has to make up a class," Amy shrugs. "Jamil is coming with us though, so where is he?"

"I'm right here!" Jamil comes in with a small backpack. "Sorry I'm late everyone, I slept in today and ended up late."

"It's all good," Owen pats his brother's shoulder. "That's everyone then. Let's get going."

"Yes! Let's go!" Tyler jumps into the air. "To the Magic World! That's actually a planet in space but who cares! It's still super awesome!"

The talking starts as everyone follows Ku. They reach the spaceport and go through the check-ins and baggage checks. Which didn't take much time given they all barely had luggage.

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