Another Solo Mission (Chapter 16)

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"Did you bring something that I can get Jamil's scent from?" Rohan gets up on his legs.

Owen slowly nods, taking out a plastic bag with Jamil's hoodie. Owen opens it up for Rohan to put his nose into and smell it.

Rohan spends a good minute smelling it.

"Can I keep it so that if I forget I can go back to it?" Rohan questions, taking his nose out of the plastic bag.

Owen nods again, his hands shaking the bag as he hands it to Rohan. Who sends it to his Magic Space.

"Okay, I'll be back if I either find something or lose his trail," Rohan announces.

"I'll be joining you too," Connor shows up in his natural wolf form as well. "Two noses are better than one."

"Good idea," Rohan summons the bag again and Connor takes a long sniff at it. The bag goes back and Connor nods his head.

"Again, we'll be back if we find something or lose the trail," Connor follows Rohan out in a sprint.

Owen watches them leave, holding the pillow closer to him. He feels arms hold him close and instantly recognizes it as Ku. Which only makes it harder not to cry.

"We will bring him back. We will do everything we can. But you know I can not promise anything right?" Ku says in a gently voice.

"I...I know," Owen sniffs, trying hard not to cry.

"I am sorry," Ku puts his hand on Owen's head and he breaks down. Owen starts sobbing, big tears rolling down his cheeks and his eyes turning red and puffy.

"What do I do if we can't get Jamil back?" Owen sobs, burying his face in the pillow, being taller than Ku. He starts to tremble.

"I know it is hard, and it will not get easier," Ku gently runs his hand through Owen's hair.

Owen feels himself being whisked away. He looks up to see nothing familiar. He could still feel everyone, but he couldn't see them.

He turns around to see nothing but a dark abyss. Owen looks down and finds himself floating.

If you want your brother back, meet me at the border of Iring and Butong. I'll be where you and your friends first did the Elemental Shield.

Who are you?! And how and why?!

Do you want Jamil back or not? You better meet me there or I will kill him.

Please, don't hurt Jamil! He never hurt anyone. I don't know why you're mad, but I promise you Jamil would never hurt anyone.

I know that. He's too good for the world. It's surprising how he's the grandson of Zamena. That vile bitch.

What did my Nano-grandma-do to you? Why did you kidnap Jamil?

Just come to the border unless you want to see Jamil's dead body. And come ALONE. No one else needs to be there.

Okay...I'll come alone. Just please don't hurt him.

Good. Can't wait to see you there Owen.

Owen is brought back to reality. He blinks and he finds himself in Ku's arms again. Owen looks around to see everyone's worried faces.

He backs out of the hug, giving a small smile to Ku. Owen looks at Urana who makes her way over to him.

"You went into your mind," Urana narrows her eyes. "What happened?"

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