Why Is Finding Mages Always So Hard? (Chapter 13)

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Xian, Yi Min, and Kiara are busy walking through the streets of Bad Central. They look through everything they walk past, not wanting to miss anything.

"Why is this so hard huh? We've got magic! And we've got super advanced tech! Like it shouldn't be this hard!" Xian groans, letting the rock slam onto the ground.

"But it is, so stop whining so much and deal with it," Yi Min rolls her eyes. Her eyes glow as she looks over the alleyway they're in. "There's nothing here. Let's check with Ma."

"Do you think we can use voice recognition?" Xian questions as they walk out and look around for another mage wearing a black cloak...so literally everyone here.

"Do you have a recording of their voice?" Yi Min throws a question back.

"Well, no, I didn't record the call..." Xian's voice trails off.

"Then we can't do it dummy," Yi Min rolls her eyes again as Xian lets out a loud groan. "Anything we could've used can't be used because we don't have anything to go off of."

"I should've gotten a piece of his hair or something," Xian mumbles.

"Yo! Why don't you just go and get that?! We can actually use his hair or something else that's like super personal!" Yi Min smacks the back of Xian's head.

"Then why aren't you using his glasses?" Xian questions. "That's pretty personal."

"Oh please. Glasses are, but it doesn't work because he didn't put like his mark or whatever they called it in class stuff on it," Yi Min starts jumping. "Get his diary! We can find him with that."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner idiot?!" Xian starts running towards the exit.

"You're the idiot for not mentioning it!" Yi Min argues, running right next to him. "I'll tell Ma to meet us back at home, so hurry up slowpoke."

"You are so obnoxious it's annoying."

"Glad. Because you're annoying too."

"What did I ever do to you meanie?"

"Scare away literally every girl I've brought home."

"Ugh, you're so petty. That was one time. ONE time I accidentally came down after a-"

"-it doesn't change the fact that you're annoying!"

The two of them continue to bicker as they run out, eventually getting to pinching and poking each other. And it still continues till they get home. Wow guys...get over it already.

"Facial recognition didn't work either? Yeah, I figured since everything gets blocked in Bad Central," Kiara sighs, on the phone. "Thank you anyway. Bye."

"Mama! Can't we use Jamil's diary or hair to find him? We can just use the spell and then bam!" Xian excitedly jumps up and down.

"It was my idea!" Yi Min adds, jumping into Xian and messing with his hair.

"Kids. You can't use tracking spells in Bad Central. Even if it's with Jamil's hair or his diary," Kiara lets out an exhausted sigh.

"It was not my idea, all Xian's," Yi Min instantly reverses claiming the idea.

"You are so annoying," Xian pushes Yi Min off of him. "So it's still only looking by foot? That's not fair Ma!"

"I know it's not fair baby, but we just don't have a choice," Kiara sighs. "I'm just worried about Jamil! That poor child is probably lying on the cold ground, all alone and scared and hurt and bleeding and oh my gosh, what if he's sick? He's going to get sick! I should've vaccinated him!"

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