Worry Instead Of Sleep (Chapter 14)

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"So now all I have to do is wait for Blaez to send out a ransom note," the blond mage mumbles to himself as he shuts the door to Blaez's house behind him. "That shouldn't take long at all." Oh boy, the sarcasm.

He pushes aside the barrier and heads in, a smile creeping through his mask as he spots Jamil asleep. He looks surprised at the bleeding from the claw mark across Jamil's chest.

"You know you're going to die soon right? As soon as Owen shows up, you're a goner," the blond mage messes with Jamil's hair, gently running his gloved hands through them. "And that's all you'll ever do in life. Be a pain to Owen. How sad. And it looks like Blaez finally had the balls to do something."

Jamil stirs a bit, but the blond mage didn't care. He continues on, his gloved hand moving slowly from from Jamil's hair to his jaw and so on.

"Wake up sleeping beauty," the blond mage says, running his hand over Jamil's throat. He could kill him right here, right now. But that would ruin the fun.

A moment goes by and Jamil is still sleeping soundly. Completely oblivious to everything.

"Then force it is I guess," the blond kicks Jamil's stomach and he's awake. Wide-eyed and wheezing as he looks around. "Jeez, were you cursed with a sleeping spell or something?"

"I wouldn't call that a curse," Jamil mumbles under his breath.

"Well, you got wrapped up didn't you?" The blond mage eyes the pieces of cloth sticking out from Jamil's shirt. "Tch. What a waste. You're going to die anyway."

"Sorry, what?" Jamil raises an eyebrow.

"You heard me," the blond runs his gloved hand over Jamil's arm. It goes all the way to his neck and he grabs it tight. "You're going to die. But it should be more entertaining and bloody."

Jamil struggles to breathe. As if he wasn't already in terrible condition, now this guy is also choking him. Jamil reels his leg back and thrusts it forward only for his leg to be grabbed by the blond.

"Nice try. You're just so weak," the blond chuckles. He lets go of Jamil's throat. "It's funny watching you think you can do something to save yourself."

"What are you doing?!" Jamil squirms around as the blond's hands rest at his crotch. "Please stop touc-oh my gosh!"

"What's wrong?" The blond chuckles.

"Please stop," Jamil couldn't believe it. "Please! You're making me uncomfortable."

"Wow. You have a really nice butt, you know that," the blond doesn't listen. "What do you do to have such an amazing butt?"

"Please stop it!" Jamil slams his back against the wall, slamming his butt and the blond's hands. Or at least he thought the hands were slammed.

Jamil doesn't even blink and he's pinned against the wall. The blond's arm digging into his neck, suffocating him.

"You best learn to stop right now weakling. I can end your life right now if I wanted to. Hell, I can even end Owen's if you don't value your own life," the blond threatens, their voice hard like their arm. "You will let me do whatever I want. Because you're too weak to stop me. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Do I make myself clear?!" Jamil shuts his eyes. Hoping it would all go away if he didn't look. But he could still feel it. And it's very much real.

"Ye-yes," Jamil gasps for air. The blond lets him go and takes in a deep breath. Jamil falls onto his knees, feeling weaker and weaker as time goes on.

"I think it's time they got a ransom note for you. That'll really stir up their emotions," the blond ponders. "But I'm not sure if Blaez will do it...gosh, why am I the one doing the dirty work? Can't someone else do it for once?"

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