WorldWide Prison Release (Chapter 23)

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"Um, hello? What are you doing out of jail Vada?" Ku frantically throws his arms into the air.

"Well, I'm protecting Tyler for starters."

"From what?"

"You didn't hear yet? The prisoners all over the globe escaped from prison. All the criminals are loose."

"Then what are we doing here?!" Ku rushes into his Magic Space to get his hero outfit and comes out with it on. "We have to go! But how is it even possible?"

"Who knows?" Vada shrugs. "Well, Tyler and I can chill here."

"Would you feel safer with Vada, Tyler?" Ku asks. "Our home can protect you regardless, and I will make sure you get into the safe-room as well."

"She'll be more help out there than here right?" Tyler looks between the two of them.

"Well, yes, but if you are more comfortable with Vada here then that is fine. You need to hurry though, I have to find my other grandkids," Ku is practically itching to get out and find them.

"I'll be fine in the safe-room, I'd rather there be more people making sure my sister is safe," Tyler gets up from his seat. "Ava will be okay right?"

"I can not promise anything but I will do everything I can to make sure that she will be okay," Ku clicks a few buttons in the hologram that appeared. "You have already met Robo and the porcupines, they will accompany you in the safe-room, we have to go."

"Okay, stay safe!" Tyler calls out as he follows Robo and the porcupines.

"Looks like the Prince and Princess are back in action together huh?" Vada follows Ku outside the house in a sprint.

"Sure seems like it," Ku listen into the communication channel. "Oh my gosh, how did this even happen? The mages should not have been able to get past the guards if they even escaped!"

"The guards were already knocked out by the time we were all released," Vada looks around at the houses going into lockdown. "It was just a walk out of the prison honestly."

"Seriously? What about the magic defenses?"

"Never went off. Whoever planned this was clearly smart and had a lot of help with this."

"It must be the blond mage or the organization they work for..? Or is it someone else entirely?"

"Beats me brother," Vada shrugs.

Ku turns his head to look at her. But she couldn't see the raised eyebrow.

"Did you really just call me 'brother' like they do in the movies?" Ku questions.

"So what if I did?" Vada grins. "You are my brother, who's a complete fool, but still my brother."

"Very flattered."

Ku takes out his phone and sends a text to everyone he knows. Replies flood in so it's safe to assume they haven't had to engage in battle yet.

"Oh! You have to let me fight Var, I've been meaning to punch that bitchy face of hers," Vada cracks her knuckles.

"More like you are going to kill her," Ku rolls his eyes. "But whatever, you can fight whoever you want to fight just try not to kill anyone."

"You're acting like I've killed before."

"So it is true that Sasha's parents died of disease and not you."

"How'd you...oh, Aderlam told you didn't he?"

"Not exactly. He mentioned them to Sasha in his video and why would you lie to her and me?"

"'s a bit of a complicated situation. I don't think Sasha wants to hear that."

Elements: Secrets Of Mages (Book 7)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ