Chapter 1

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When Eos returned with Sontloud, who, of course, was complaining about being woken up, Hiccup was quick to sit them all down and tell them what had happened.

That he'd known the letter was from Viggo and not his Dad (Astrid shot him a short angry glare there), that Viggo had been betrayed by Johann and Krogan, that Viggo had pretended to poison Toothless with red oliander, that they had infultrated Johann's base with one of Viggo's overly complicated plans and that Viggo had tamed a Skrill, one of the most hardest Dragons to train and that Viggo had taken four arrows to his back and still took on a bunch of Dragon Hunters just so Hiccup could get out of the cave, where the twins had come to save him.

„They only need one more lens. Johann is that much closer to the King of Dragons.", Hiccup ended.

Eos looked down. She wouldn't let that happen, that was for sure. She looked over at the Silver Phantom that was sleeping in the corner of the clubhouse. She wouldn't let her Dragon fall in the hands of the Hunters because they had finally found away to froce the King of Dragons to do their bidding.

„It's almost unbelievable that Viggo sacrifised himself for you Hiccup.", Fishlegs said.

„It shouldn't have ended that way...", Eos mumbled under her breath.

„What did you say?", Astrid asked.

„Nothing.. Just.. didn't have to end like that."

Hiccup nodded. He knew what she meant. He would've loved to give Viggo a second chance after all he's done today. He also knew that it was in Eos nature to protect. She always said that killing someone wasn't the solution, no matter what the person had done. She didn't even think that Johann and Krogan deserved to die. And Viggo was no exception.

When Hiccup looked back at Eos he saw her and Astrid hugging. She rarely hugged anyone. Hiccup was happy at the fact that his best friend, who was practically his sister, and his girlfriend got along so way. Remembering how their relationship had been in the past. A lot has changed since they were fifteen.

„So.. now what?", Tuffnut asked.

„We have to find that lense and get to the King of Dragons before Johann and Krogan. We can't let them take it.", Hiccup said in his leader voice.

„Agreed. But for now, how about dinner?", Eos said, a kind tone lacing her words.

„Now, I am down for that!", Snotloud said.

Just have an hour later the Riders where all sitting on their table, having dinner together, Hiccup and Astrid sitting close together, having a quiet conversation all for them self, while Eos and Fishlegs were talking about which Dragon had the strongest Firepower, with Snotloud constantly butting in to say that it clearly was the Monsterous Nightmare.

„I'm telling you, no Dragon's as strong as Hooki!"

Fishlegs rolled his eyes about to tell Snotloud about all the other Dragons that where way stronger when Eos suddenly put a hand in front of his mouth.


„Okay, just because you can't see that Hook...", Snotloud started, but was interrupted by Eos „No, Snotloud, listen."

Suddenly all conversation seized.

„What, what is it?", Hiccup asked

„I hear wing-flapping.", the eastern princess replied.

„Oh, yeah, a Skrill's been circling the clubhouse for about five minutes.", Ruff mentioned in a nonchalant way.

Hiccup just shook his head and went outside, Astrid and Eos hot on his heals. The Dragon seemed to be holden a person in it's clwas. The Riders immediatly shared a knowing look. Upon noticing Hiccup the Skrill landed and softly laid Viggo's body in front of them. He was laying on his stomach, face turned sideways, arrows sitll imbedded in his back. He had a few burns on his arms, probably from the explosion.

„The Dragon must have not known where else to go..", Hiccup whispered.

„Facinating."; Fishlegs said.

„What on earth is facinating about this? There's a dead man who has been given a second chance at live and he threw it away for me!", Hiccup suddenly snapped. The riders began to noticed how much their leader had been struggeling with this. Astrid, however, seemed to understand, she took his hand in hers and with the other she cupped his cheek. Hiccup looked into her eyes and he suddenly just felt safe. Like he could just openly display all his anger and she'd still love him. He was so lucky.

„Hiccup..!", he turned his head to Eos who had croutched down next to Viggo. „Hiccup, he's still breathing!"

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