Chapter 16

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On their way back to the clubhouse Eos and Viggo were walking in comfortable silence, their arms linked again. They walked up to the platform and were about to get some dinner but just before they could walk in, Eos pulled her arm back. Viggo stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her.

"Everything alright, my dear?", he asked.

"Yeah, it's all good.. it's just... maybe we could keep this between us for now? Since it's all so new?", she sounded a bit shy, unsure if she was okay with things moving this quickly. She had to figure stuff out before she was ready to share.

"Of course, what ever you're comfortable with, my dear.", and with that they walked in as if nothing had happened.

The others seemed to be having dinner as usual, Astrid and Hiccup sat closely together and the others were having ususal conersations. Upon noticing the two new people in the room, conversation died down a bit.

„Well, would you look at that, Viggo didn't end up killing her in the woods. Snotlout, you owe me your sword.", Tuffnut smiled victoriously.

Eos just laughed it off and with a quick look, let Viggo know that he shouldn't bother as well.

„Hey, where have you two been? I was starting to get a bit worried.", Hiccup said.

„Nothing to worry about, Hiccup. We were just out on a walk, you know, catching up.", Eos explained, while sitting down. Viggo was about to join her, when Astrid got up and took him by his arm, dragging him away from the others so they could talk.
Hiccup and Eos kept an close eye on them. Astrid did look a bit reluctant at first, but she seemed to actually apologize. Eos saw Viggo smiling at her and knew things would be okay between them.
When they came back inside, Astrid sat down next to Hiccup looking like an offended baby dragon. She surly didn't like to admit when she was wrong. Viggo seated himself next to Eos and the four of them had a short conversation about the happenings of the day. However, the topic changed quickly.

„We have to hurry with finding that lense, Hiccup. If we fail to do that all of dragon kind will be in grave danger.", Viggo said.

„I know, Viggo, I know. I'm just not sure where to look anymore.", Hiccup replied.

„I could send a message to my father and my uncle. Maybe they know what's on the lenses and they can tell us. If one of them fits we can go check it out.", Eos suggested.

„Good idea.", Hiccup said. He got up to get a Terror and some paper. „When we send the little guy right away, he should arrive back here by tomorrow night. We shouldn't loose anymore time."

„Agreed.", Eos said and took the paper from him, starting to write right away.

A bit later that night, Viggo was walking Eos back to her and Astrids shared hut, before retreating back to Hiccups hut, which the two former advesaries now shared as well due to lack of space and Snotlout refusing to let Viggo into his hut. And let's be honest, forcing anyone to share a hut with the twins was torture at it's finest.
Arriving at their front door, Eos turned back to Viggo, who was walking a step behind her.

„Thanks for taking me on that walk. I had an amazing time tonight.", she said happily.

„As did I.", Viggo said, sounding almost as joyful as the girl in front of him. Viggo was about wish her a good night and offered her his hand to shake when Eos put her hands on his shoulders and leaned up to give him a quick kiss. As their lips parted she whispered:"I hope you didn't seriously think I'd let you leave with just a handshake." Viggo chuckled lightly as he put his hands on her waist to pull her closer. He whispered into her ear:"I was hoping you wouldn't, my beauty."
Eos face started to flush a bit and she softly pushed him away. She rested a hand on his scarred cheek, softly stroking it with her thumb.

„Good night, Viggo.", she said before heading inside.

Astrid was already inside, getting ready for bed. As Eos walked in, she noticed the flush on her friends face.

„Please don't tell me one of Snotlouts disgusting flirts finally worked on you.", Astrid said with distaste.

„Ew, what makes you think that?", Eos asked in return.

„Uhm, you're blushing?", Astrid suggested.

Eos put a hand on her cheek and felt the heat radiating off of it.

„Oh, that's probably just the cold. It's still snowing, you know?", she lied quickly.

„Yeah, right.", Astrid teased climbing in bed. „For real now, who is making the beautiful eastern shieldmaiden blush, hm? Is it Fishlegs? Doesn't he still have a thing for Heather?"

Eos didn't answer, just got into her bed and blew out the candle next to it.

„Oh, come on, don't be like that! Tell me!", she whined on.

„Astrid, sometimes no answer, is also an answer. You'll find out when the times right, okay? And just to be clear: The time will never be right during a war.", Eos explained calmly but with a strong tone.

Astrid, remembering the beginning of her own relationship understood and left Eos alone.

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