Chapter 4

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Arriving at the clubhouse Eos could already hear Heather yelling at her brother of how she would kill Viggo and how she didn't believe the riders actually helped him. Eos didn't like that side of Heather. She knew the girl as a kindhearted, calm person but only towards friends. She knew that once you had made it into Heathers heart, she would fight to death for you but if you were Heathers foe you'd have to fight for your life. Forgivness was something she still had to get used to. That was evident to see when she was first struggling to forgive her own brother, which of course she did by now. They've come a long way.

Walking inside Eos was getting ready for a discussion as to why they should've helped Viggo and why they should continue to do so. In the back of her mind she was hoping the riders would back them up. But knowing her friends, at least Astrid and Snotloud should have a serious problem with Viggo staying for much longer. Fishlegs may have concearns to. The twins would definitly want Viggo to stay but they couldn't give a better argument than that the way Viggo talked was cool. She just hoped Hiccup was on her side. After all, the fromer Dragon Hunter had safed him. Something inside her just wanted to give this man a second chance. He had already proven that he deserved it.

„Hiccup, finally! What's this talk about you guys saving Viggo Grimborn?!", Heather snapped, as soon as the Trio walked in.

„Now, now, sister, let's give Hiccup a second to explain before you bash him.", Dagur started, then turned to Hiccup. „Sorry brother. Fishlegs already explained you had a good reason."

„No, he didn't. Viggo Grimborn is a madman and a danger to the Archipelago.", Heather argued.

„Just like your own brother used to be. And yet, you are able to forgive him but not Viggo? Give him a chance Heather.", Eos said, stepping in with a soft tone.

„She has a point there, Heather. People change, I went through it myself." Dagur was trying to calm his sister down.

„But should we really trust this guy after all he's done? I mean just a month ago he was still trying to take over the Edge and find the King of Dragons.", Astrid brought up. „How do we know this isn't just one of his dirty tricks?"

„Astrid, you weren't there when he sacrifised himself. I could just tell the vicious buisness man he used to be wasn't there anymore. And he won't return, I just know that. And, if you guys like it or not, he's staying. I owe him that. If he does turn on us we can still defeat him easily. He's all alone we can easily over power him.", Hiccup said.

„Hold on now, he has the skrill. That Dragon can defeat us.", Snotloud chimmed in.

„The fact that that Dragon trusts him is sign enough that we can trust him as well. A skrill doesn't just trust anyone. He must have seen something in Viggo that we just couldn't, at least at, that point." And with that argument Eos ended the debate.

She started to walk out when she felt a hand grab her shoulder. Turning around she faced Heather.

„You can't just trust everyone blindly. It'll get you killed."

„I don't trust him blindly. I am still on edge about him, but if he did change I don't want to be the one that pushes him away and leaves him alone because of mistakes of the past. You of all people should know what that's like, Heather."

„Do you remember his father?", Heather asked quietly, a hint of a threat in her voice.

„People aren't always their past. Let it go."

Eos headed to the stable leaving Heather there with the other riders. But Heathers words didn't leave her mind.

Arriving at the stables she opened the cage of the skrill and slowly aproached it, softly laying a hand on it's snout. The dragon seemed to trust her since she had saved Viggo last night. She walked out again leading the dragon to Hiccups hut, were Viggo lay, again sleeping peacfully. The Dragon seemed overjoyed to see him and after sniffling at him for a second it curled up in front of him.

Eos walked closer to the bed. She looked at the Dragon Hunter crest on Viggos belt. Suddenly, vivid images of her island on fire flooded her mind. She shook her head and faced the other way. She had to remember that that hadn't been him, it had been his father. Yet, he hadn't been a lot diffrent when he was still leading the Dragon Hunters. And then, all of the sudden, Heathers words from earlier came back into her mind again, accompanied with doubts about the words she had previously spoken.

But looking at him now he seemed just so peaceful. She remembered the story Hiccup had told the dragon riders of how Viggo had saved him.

„People aren't always their past.", she whispered, repeating the words her father had told her. She had an inner conflict about this man but she wouldn't let the second chance he had gotten go to waste.

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