Chapter 2

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 „Oh my Thor.", Eos heard somewhere behind her. She took a deep breath in, getting ready for a long night.

„Okay gang, I suggest...", Hiccup started. „No Hiccup, no suggestions. I'm the healer here this is my job. Listen, I need everyone out except Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs.", Eos said and turned back to Viggo to asses the injuries better.

„Why can't we help?", Snotlod asked. „Just do what she says, you heard her.", Hiccup replied to his cousin who just mumbled something under his breath while walking away with the twins.

„Fishlegs, Medical supplies, now. Hiccup, get me that blanked from the back of the room quickly. Astrid, hand me your dagger.", Eos said and the others set to work.

Hiccup brought over the blanked, which Eos cut into four strips and handed each of the vikings one, while Fishlegs went back to Eos and Astrids shared hut to get supplies.

„Alright, listen up, I'm going to pull one arrow out at a time. This will increase the bloodflow exponantially, so as soon as pull one out, I need you to apply pressure with one of the strips. Hiccup you start. Everything clear?"

The couple nodded and they set to work. It was diffcult to get the arrows out and even more difficult to stop the bloodflow. Fortunatly Fishlegs came back shortly after giving Eos a bit more peace of mind, since he was the only one except her who had medical knowledge.

It was dreadful and hard and with every second the fear of loosing him increased but eventually things started to look up, when the bloodflow slowed and they could stitch up the wounds. Viggo would live.

Eos woke up at the crack of dawn the next day. She looked over to Astrid who was still soundly sleeping in her bed across the room. She looked down at her hands and saw bloodstains on them. She must have forgotten in all the stress yesterday.

As she got up to wash her hands and get ready for her morning flight, she remembered what had happened last night. They had brought Viggo to Hiccups hut where he could rest for the night. She should probably go check on him soon. But her Dragon came first now. She'd check up om him after a round over the Edge.

She went outside where her Dragon preferred to sleep and took in a breath of fresh air. Breathing out she relaxed. The next second she was tackled down by her Silver Phantom cuddling her. The girl giggled.

„What do you say, girl? Short flight around the island before we check on our guest?" The Dragon gave a soft roar in agreement.

As soon as Eos sat down on the long, thin neck of her dragon, she shot almost straight up into the air gaining a lot of altitude. Eos loved the feeling to be far above the clouds almost as much as her Dragon did. While a Night Fury is perfectly comouflaged at night due to it's black colour, a Silver Phantoms sclaes blend in with the clouds perfectly. Up here they where all alone. No one could see them, no one would bother them. Just her and her Dragon in complete harmony. But that, of course couldn't last forever.

Eos landed in front of Hiccups hut just to see him standing next to the fordge looking at some plans for yet another tailfin for Toothless, the door to his hut was open, reavealing Viggo still soundly asleep on a spare bed in Hiccups hut.

„Couldn't sleep anymore either?", Eos asked, making Hiccup jump. „Apologies, i did't mean to scare you.", she said quickly.

„Ah, no, no, it's alright. Yeah, no, I couldn't sleep. Figured I'd take a look at these again. Something's not right, I just can't find what it is.", the young viking replied.

„Let's take a look at it together then.", said Eos, not noticing that their Dragons slipped into the hut behind them.

As Viggo started to stir awake, he heard familiar voices outside. He just couldn't quite place them. His mind was still foggy, trying to figure out what had happened, where he was. As he was coming to his senses more and more he started to notice the piercing pain in his back. That made him remember. Johann, Krogan, Hiccup, the Skrill and the arrows. The explosion and the numbing darkness afterwards. It all came back. He should be dead. Why wasn't he dead.

Suddenly he felt something soft yet cold on his arm. It was traveling up to his shoulder, making him open his eyes. There stood a beautiful Silver Phantom in front of him, sniffling at his arm, that was bandadged up for some reason. Not knowing what to do he tried to sit up but immediatly felt pain shooting through his entire body. And suddenly a hand on his shoulder.

„Woah, easy there. Lay back down.", he heared a soft female voice say.

Looking up, Viggo saw Hiccup and a girl standing in front of him that he didn't remember ever meeting. Yet there seemed something oddly familiar about her. Viggo took a closer look at her, trying to make out where he had seen her. She had two long brown braids that where woven in from the roots of her hair and went down to about her elbows. Her face was oval with the slightest hint of freckles on her cheeks and her nose. She had forest green eyes with long lashes. She was wearing black leather armor, rimmed with red and without sleeves but with shoulder pads. They had black leather to but where rimmed with what appeared to be gronckle iron. She wore black pants and had a belt on with two swords that crossed behind her back. Lastly she was wearing black boots that had fur on the rim, just like the black hood that was attached to her leather armor.

Realizing he had been staring for a bit to long he tried to play it of as still not being fully awake yet and carefully asked:"What happened? Hiccup, how did I get here?"

„The skrill brought you here, hours after the fight. No idea how it found us. Anyway, we thouht you where already dead but, Eos here noticed you where still breathing. She's a pretty good healer. It's her who ultimatly saved your life."

Eos smiled a bit at Viggo, her shy side, that always appears for a short time with strangers, shining through.

„Thank you very much for that, my dear. Eos, was it? I don't believe I've ever met you.", the former hunter said.

„Maybe this'll help your memory.", the girl said, as she pulled up her hood all the way and put on a mask made out of black leather and rimmed with gronkle iron, just like her shoulder pads.

„The masked rider.. Of course. So, am I correct to assume that that Silver Phantom is yours?", Viggo inquiered.

„What Eurus? Yeah, she's my Dragon."

„Euros you say... The East Wind?"


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