Chapter 10

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"Eos? Eos, wake up!", Viggo whispered, softly shaking her awake. As she opened her eyes she saw an open cell door and two Hunters waiting on them. She got up and Viggo and her walked out of the cell, slowly closing it, so it wouldn't make a lot of sound. The Hunters started to walk to a different part of the dungeon. Propably where their dragons were being locked up. Eos was starting to grow impatient and walked faster, shooting angry glares at the Hunters.

"It's just around that corner.", one of them said after what seemed like an eternaty.
Eos quickly ran around the corner, expecting to see her beloved dragon, Viggo hot on her heels, eager to see Leiptr again. But all they found was empty cages.

"What?", Eos turned around and pulled out her swords. "Viggo, what is this? Where are they?"

Viggo could tell how angry she was. He understood, he was just as upset as she was. Krogan had probably just moved them so they wouldn't be easy to find in case they did find a way out. Viggo had done that several times when he had captured a Rider and their dragon.

"I told you princess, they're exactly where they should be.", Krogan said, stepping out of the shadows. "Cease them!", he yelled.

Hunters started to jump out of hiding places, surrounding the two. Eos, her swords still in her hands, got ready to fight them to get to her dragon. But suddenly she felt someone grabbing her arm and running away, pulling her with them. Looking in front of her she saw Viggo had grabbed her wrist and was leading her outside the caves of the dungeon. When she looked back, she saw the Hunters following them close by. She began running quicker. Outside the caves Viggo pushed her into some bushes, just before the Hunters could see where they went. But Viggo didn't stop running nor did he let go of Eos arm. He kept running until they arrived at the dock and was about to jump on board of a ship when Eos suddenly stopped in her tracks. She could hear the Hunters approaching quickly but this time she didn't care.

"Hold on there. I'm not leaving without Eurus."

"Eos, I know how much you care about her but she's not here anymore. Krogan moved her. And if we get captured again, we may never find her. We have to leave.", Viggo explained.

Eos looked at him reluctantly and gave a deep sigh. Then she jumped on board of the ship with Viggo following her. They were lucky there was a strong wind blowing as they set the sail. They were almost out of the port, when Eos heard dragons approaching. Turning around she saw Krogan and a group of his Flyers nearing them with their Singetails. Fear overcame her as she looked over to Viggo who also just realized the situation.

"Viggo, their going to attack, what are we going to do? We have no defenses and no cover out here!", Eos asked, despair in her voice. She didn't want to die knowing her dragon was in the hands of these Hunters.

"We have to make Krogan think he's got us. When he believes the ship will sink and take us with it, he'll leave us alone."

"But he needs me! He doesn't have the information yet. He won't let me die."
"What Krogan needs is the lense. And if you are more of an inconvenience than an actual advantage he'll leave you alone. We have to let them think that they killed us.", Viggo pushed on.

"And how do we do that without actually dying?", Eos asked critical.

"Just trust me please. I do realize you have no reason to do so, but I promise that no harm will come to you.", Viggo said hopefully.

Eos was uncertain but if there was one thing she knew about Viggo Grimborn, then it was that he truly was a man of his word. So she gave him a curt nod.
They started stearing the ship west, heading towards an island Eos couldn't see, when Krogan started the attack. Five Singetails were relentlessly firing at the small ship that had no way of defending it self. There was fire and smoke everywhere, Eos could hardly see. She was coughing hard and was barely able to breathe. Eos jumped to the side to dodge yet another shot from a Singetail, when she felt the ship was starting to sink. There were burning holes in the deck that grew bigger by the second. Carefully walking around them, her eyes darted around the ship, looking for Viggo. Where was he? They needed to get out of there!
Luckyly, Krogan started to fly off at this point, thinking they would certainly die. Viggo's plan had worked, but it may have worked a bit to well. Eos continued walking around the ship, calling for Viggo. How would she ever survive this? The ship was on fire and sinking and there was no island close by, except Krogans base.
Just as she was about to jump into the water, to try and swim back to Krogans base, the only available land close by, a hand grabbed hers and pulled her to the other side of the ship.

"Where were you? I was looking for you!" Eos yelled at Viggo.

"Apologies, I was preparing the lifeboat.", Viggo said.

"This ship has a lifeboat?", Eos asked anger seeping into her voice.

"Yes, a hidden one, Krogan doesn't know about these. One advantage when your enemy steals your fleet.", Viggo said, getting in and offering Eos a hand to help her.
She, however, completely refused his help and jumped in herself. Viggo quickly detached the lifeboat from the ship before it could catch fire too. As he started rowing, he noticed the glare Eos was giving him.

"Something wrong, my dear? Are you hurt?", he asked almost sounding concearned.

"You could've told me that there was a hidden lifeboat.", she said.

"And what fun would that've been?", Viggo said sarcasticly.

"Unbelievable.", Eos said under her breath. "You may have switched sides but you're still a bastard."

A Storm from the East (A Viggo Lovestory)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora