Chapter 22

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That evening, things finally felt peaceful. After they had dinner, they stored the rest of the meat in their bags. They had a nice chat afterwards, talking about their own past, telling each other childhood stories no one else knew about. A few hours in, Eos fell asleep in Viggo's arms, the picture actually looking fairly natural to Hiccup. The two men had a short conversation, but they also fell asleep not much later. But what they didn't know was that the cave wasn't as safe as one might think.
In the middle of the night Eos was awakened by a loud scream and then a sharp pain in her leg. She opened her eyes to see deep scratches on her leg and a pack of hungry wolves in their camp. Three of them were standing right in front of her and Viggo. He was slowly waking up as well, but when he noticed what was happening, he pulled Eos closer to him and slowly got up. He reached for his sword and unsheathed it. But before he could attack, the same scream from earlier filled the cave. That's when they saw that Hiccup was on the floor, two wolves on top of him.

"Go help him, I will take care of these." Viggo said.

Unsheathing one of her swords with her good hand, Eos started to attack the two wolves that were on top of her best friend. She managed to get them away from him, but one of them got close enough to scratch her cheek and the other managed to bite her wounded hand. Pain shot through her entire arm, and she fell to the ground with a short yell of pain, dropping her sword in the process. Now, defenseless, she was being cornered by the wolves. Frantic, she looked over at Hiccup, who was just getting up. He still looked confused and overwhelmed, being suddenly attacked during his sleep. He wouldn't be able to help her. She looked over at Viggo, who was still fighting with two wolves himself, one was unconscious, or maybe even dead on the floor. Viggo himself, was now in a similar situation as Hiccup earlier. He was on the ground, two wolves on top of him, scratching and biting him, but at least he had his sword to defend himself with. However, the wolves were so aggressive, Eos wasn't sure how long he could keep fighting. A deep growl from in front of her brought her back to reality. She wasn't safe yet. Just as one wolf was about to jump her, Hiccup stepped in between them, inferno in hand and ignited. The wolves, of course, were scared of the fire and started inching away, while Hiccup was now approaching them, eventually chasing them of. The wolves that were fighting Viggo noticed and got of off him when Hiccup approached them as well. As soon as he was freed Viggo got up.

"Thank you." He said, igniting his own sword.

"No problem. Let's finish this." The younger man replied.

They swung their swords in front of the wolves, making them run away with their tails between their legs. After they were gone, Eos saw a few deep scratches on the side of Viggo's torso. Blood was flowing down, and the man couldn't even stand straight. However, Viggo immediately stumbled to Eos.

"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm good, it's just a few scratches. Look at you, they ripped your side open completely!" Eos exclaimed.

"Do not worry about me. Look at your leg!" He tried, but Eos wasn't having it.

"Viggo, stop. I'll be fine, trust me. Hiccup, take off the bandage we put on your head and wash it off, the wound should be dry by now. Viggo, you go clean out those scratches. If you have any wounds, Hiccup, I want you to clean out those as well."

Soon they were all standing around the well, cleaning out all of their wounds. Viggo's side got bandaged up by Hiccup, who luckily only had minor wounds. Eos was watching Hiccup's every move, to make sure he didn't make Viggo's wound worse. She felt terrible that there wasn't much she could do. She was the healer, she should be healing.
When everything had calmed down a bit, Eos was sitting next to Viggo, carefully inspecting if he had any other wounds. The man himself was more worried about his girlfriend though.

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