Chapter 27

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Eos breath hitched. No. This wasn't happening. If Viggo didn't want Eos there that meant something was going to go down. Something dangerous. And the fact that Viggo knew could only mean one thing. He was the traitor. He had been lying to her all this time. How could she not have noticed? But then she realized the signs had been there all along. This drastic change in character that came way to suddenly, him having way too much knowledge when it came to them being captured by Krogan and Johann, him knowing where to find their dragons after they were captured. This weird break-in in that tent when they went to save their dragons. He risked getting them in danger over some papers. And then him always giving them just enough inside information to trust him, but not to harm the Hunters.
Eos felt her like her heart was shattering. She'd fallen for him. How could she have been so foolish? Eos didn't want to cry a single tear about Viggo. He wasn't worth it. He was the scum of the earth and she knew it. And yet a few soft sobs escaped her before she started to cry. Why would he do that to her? Why lie about having feelings, when he already had their trust? Was it just to make the suffering greater? Just to add some extra damage? And why did he warn her not to come? Did he just want her out of the way? Did he seriously believe she was that stupid? No, no, he didn't. He knew she was smart. Which meant he only wrote this to subtly hint his betrayal. He only did this to upset her. Eos was just another one of Viggo's toys. She was expendable. Replaceable.

Hiccup pulled his sobbing friend into a hug, not yet knowing of the betrayal. Astrid softly took the parchment from Eos and put a hand on her shoulder to show her support, while Eos was still being hugged by Hiccup. Astrid couldn't resist reading what the letter said though. She quickly skimmed over it and finished the letter with a gasp of realization.

"Okay, Eos-" Astrid said, getting her friend's attention. "This doesn't mean he's a traitor yet, it just means he might be. There's a fifty-fifty chance that he knows something we don't and is trying to resolve it without us getting involved, which is noble but stupid. So, we follow him and check out what's up. Either he's a traitor or a self-sacrificing idiot."

The brown-haired girl took a deep breath and calmed herself. Astrid was right. It almost stung in her heart that she first thought of betrayal and not of this. But the nagging thoughts of the reasons why it just had to be betrayal didn't leave her.

Hiccup now took the letter and read it as well, before he handed it back to Eos, who simply allowed Eurus light it up.

"I'll go get the other and tell them to get ready," Eos said hastily, already half out the door.

"Hey, woah, Eos wait. We first need to think about what to do when we get there. We don't know what's going on. For all, we know there could be a massive battle. We would get caught up between the two fronts. We can't leave without a plan."

Eos thought about what Hiccup said for a moment and it did make sense. Of course, it did. But they just didn't have the time. "Hiccup, if we don't leave now, my island could be destroyed by the time we get there. If there is a fight going on, we'll join my army, if there isn't we will look for Viggo on the island. We can get into the details while we fly there. I'm getting the others."

Half an hour later they were in the sky on their way to Protectors Island. Hiccup was discussing the battle strategy, but Eos was only listening with one ear. She was far to caught up in her thoughts. Or rather her memories. She remembered the adorable face Viggo made when she surprised attacked him with a snowball right in his face, the midnight flights after a long day of work. How he'd smile against her lips when they kissed. Had all of that been fake? Was it all a ruse? Eos prayed to God that it wasn't but she just couldn't be sure anymore. It wasn't like Viggo to just disappear. At least it wasn't like the new Viggo.
The sun started to set. It would be midnight when they arrived at her island. Eurus seemed to have recognized the route because she was getting more and more excited. The dragon loved her home on Protectors Island. Eos just hoped that Viggo truly did have a change of heart back then, otherwise there might not be a home to come back to anymore.

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