Chapter 33

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Hi guys! So first of all, I apologize deeply for the long wait, especially because I left you on a cliffhanger. The past few weeks have been more than stressful and crammed. I'm part of a musical company and we recently had our final shows for the year. The same week, I flew to London with my class for a language trip, so I didn't have the time to write or post there either. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the new chapter. Updates still might be slow, because of school and lack of time and motivation though, so sorry in advance.
I was planning a sequel to this book, but I must admit, that in my heart, I've already moved on to other projects. I will finish this book and conclude the story in a one(or five, honestly, I never know)-shot and if I ever feel like it, I may come back to writing that sequel. What you can be sure to expect from me in the future are one-shots, prompts, and ideas that never made it into the actual story of Viggo and Eos. I might also post different works regarding Viggo (and maybe another girl) but that is not certain.
Anyway, this note has been way too long already. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Eos was violently sobbing on Eurus' back. Had she just.. ended things? Had he? Where they ever even truly together? What did her family think? What did her friends think? What did Viggo think? Heck, what on earth did she think? What did she even feel? Eos was so confused over everything that was going on. Her island lost a sacred lense because of her, she was in charge of an army only waiting on her command and all she could do was cry over this guy that literally everyone she valued had warned her about and she had dismissed it. Because she believed that 'People aren't always their past' and you need to 'Move on' and 'Give second chances'. Where had her idealism gotten her? They were about to lose every single dragon in the Archipelago because she couldn't get her act straight.

She then saw Hiccup and the Riders on the town square talking and without thinking flew down to them. She jumped of Eurus and ran to them, Hiccup only looking at her shocked before embracing her. But Eos didn't have the time anymore.

"No, no, no, Hiccup, look I've got the second lense." She pulled the artifact her uncle had given her out of her pocket. "We can go look for the King of Dragons now and get to him before Krogan does."

The Riders looked at her in astonishment. "Eos, they left half an hour ago, they are way ahead of us." Astrid filled her in.

"It's still worth a shot." Hiccup concluded.

"Okay, let's go to my house, no one must see that I have the lense."

"Why?" Tuffnut asked with a suspicious tone.

"Uuh.. Protocol. Let's go!" Eos lied. Gosh. She lied. Eos never lied unless she was being questioned by the enemy. Had Viggo really changed her that much? She wasn't even able to feel empathy for Viggo or guilt that she had left him there, all alone and injured. Who even was she?

But Eos had to push those thoughts behind her when they arrived in her room and Hiccup got the Dragon Eye 2 ready. She carefully placed the lense with the others and Toothless ignited his fire. A colorful picture of a Titanwing Dramillion lit up the wall the Dragon Eye was pointing to.

"That's a Dramillion!" Fishlegs said excitedly.

"The King of Dragons is a Dramillion?" Astrid questioned in disbelieve.

"It's a Titanwing Dramillion. Look at it in relation to the other dragons." Fishlegs pointed to some of the other dragons on the map.

"Alright, gang, Dramillion island! Let's go!" Hiccup said, taking the Dragon Eye.

But Eos had a complaint. "Woah, hold on there Hiccup. I'd like my lense back please." She held out her hand demanding it back.

"Don't worry, it's safer In the Dragon Eye. That way we can't break it or lose it on the way."

"I'm really sorry Hiccup, but this lense has to stay here. That's how it's always been. These lenses don't leave the island if we can help it."

Reluctantly Hiccup gave the artifact back to Eos, who hid it in a secret door behind her closet, locking it before she left. She would find a better place for it later.

I just realized that the note at the beginning kinda made it sound like this was already the end. That's not what this chapter is, but soon we'll be finished. Stay tuned, guys!

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