Chapter 15

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The next week started out a bit rough for the riders. Autumn was starting to turn into winter and the temperatures where sinking rapidly. Soon snow would be covering the usually green island and they had to get ready for the harsh winter the Archipelago had to offer. Hiccup, wanting Astrid to get along with Viggo at least a little, decided to team them up in every task he gave one of them, which were a lot. Eos was also busy around the island, so the two didn't get to talk much. Instead, Eos got to talk to Hiccup, her best friend a lot more. It had started to be a bit difficult to talk to him, since him and Astrid started dating. Eos, of course, respected their relationship and was happy for her friends, but it was good to have Hiccup for herself for a while. After all, they'd known eachother for forever.
It was starting to be evening, when Hiccup and Eos were sitting in the clubhouse, having a lighthearted conersation over a drink, when Astrid came storming in, her clothes dripping wet. Viggo and Astrid where supposed to get more food and supplies so they had enough to last them the entire winter, but appearently it hadn't gone so well.

"Okay, Hiccup, I am officially on my last straw with this guy. Viggo has got to go. Now!", she yelled.

"Woah, woah, woah, Astrid. Slowly. What even happened?", Hiccup said, getting up and handing his betrothed a blanked, she, however, knocked it out of his hand and continued ranting.

"We were at the Northern Markets, getting food supplies. I were standing at the docks and had just paid for everything, when a bunch of Hunters started attacking me and eventually chucked me in the water. I don't think they knew I was a Rider, they just wanted our supplies. And Viggo didn't do anything! All he did was pull me out of the water after the Hunters were gone and then he offered to pay the money to get the supplies we lost, because he was oh, so sorry that he wasn't there in time to help me when I got mugged! All Viggo is, is a coward! He doesn't belong with us.", Astrid ranted.

Eos realized she had to step in, knowing that in these kind of situations, where Astrid got mad at nothing, Hiccup tended to make it worse with his harsh realism.

"Okay, I get why that's upsetting.", she said calmly. Astrid just nodded, thankful that Eos agreed. "But, I do have one question. Where exactly was Viggo when you got mugged?", Eos was very careful with her words. She knew she had to ease Astrid out of her anger.

"Up the hill at the market, I told him to get some chicken feed, he was just walking to the dock and saw me get chucked in the water... or at least that's what he said."

"But Astrid, if what he says is true, that he only arrived when the damage was already done, were his actions of pulling you out of the water and paying for the supplies not exceptionally kind? I know Snotloud wouldn't have done that.", Eos tried to explain calmly.

Realization slowly started to hit Astrid, but she wasn't quite ready to admit that she was in the wrong, not Viggo.

"Yeah, well.. maybe it was kind of nice, but that's no excuse!", she said, contradicting herself.

"No excuse for what? Not being able to be in two places at once? Come on, Astrid.", Hiccup softly chimmed in, taking her hand in his as she looked away.

"Astrid, I feel like you're just looking for a reason to get Viggo off the island. I know, he's done his fair share of bad things, but forgivness would be a really good idea in this case. Or at least a second chance.", Eos said. Astrid didn't answer.
"Astrid, today, he did everything just right and in the past few weeks he's been really trying and hasn't hurt any of us. And I'm pretty sure, knowing you, you probably exploded in his face. Maybe it's time for him to stop apologizing to you for his past and you starting apologizing to him for what happened today?", she nudged.

Astrid sighed and looked at Hiccup who was giving her a reassuring nod. She groaned.

"Fine, I'll apologize at dinner, if it makes you two happy." and with that she walked off to get some dry clothes.

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