Chapter 24

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Back at the edge, Eos was resting in her warm and comfortable bed. Her arm was bandaged up, and she'd gotten some warm tea and soup to eat. Viggo and Hiccup had also retreated to their hut to get some rest, while the others were trying to figure out where the King of Dragons might be, now that the final lens was found by the Flyers. The trio would have loved to help, always being eager to work, but Stoick strictly forbid it and send them to bed. Astrid had been sent to one of the main Dragon Hunter camps to investigate. She'd promised Eos to give her updates as soon as she was back.
Although Eos was finally back at home after days of struggle, she couldn't fall asleep. Her mind was restlessly racing, wondering where the King of Dragons could be, thinking about all the things she could do to help instead of laying in bed like a useless child. It went on to the point where she just felt so unbearably uncomfortable in her own bed that she needed to get up and do something to relax her. But since she knew that Stoick wouldn't let her help out, she decided to do the next best thing.
Eos got up and walked to her door, carefully opening it. She snuck around the corner to make sure everyone was in the clubhouse, so she wouldn't get caught. Once she was sure that the coast was clear she quickly snuck over to Hiccups hut. When Eos opened the door, she expected to see the two guys resting but instead saw them in front of a Maces and Talons board.

"Couldn't sleep as well?" Hiccup asked upon noticing her.

"Nope." Eos replied stepping closer to take a look at the board. "You do realize you're about to lose, right?" She informed Hiccup.
He looked back at the game board just as Viggo made his final move. A groan escaped his lips. Since Viggo had arrived he hadn't been able to beat him at least once. A deep chuckle escaped his opponents lips, before he got up and grabbed Eos by the waist, greeting her with a soft kiss.

"How are you, my flower?" He whispered into her ear, softly grazing her injured arm with his free hand. "How's your wrist?"

"It feels better." She replied smiling up to him. Hiccup decided to go upstairs and take out a book to read. He felt that the two needed some privacy. "How about you? The past few days have been kind of harsh." Eos asked.

Viggo first didn't reply, he was just holding Eos hands and softly rubbing them with his thumbs. His mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"Viggo?" The girl asked softly.

"Hm?" He looked at her eyes again. "I apologize, my flower. Your hands are still so cold it distracted me for a while. My wounds feel okay, the pain is slowly fading. I do believe it will be a few days until I'll be flying again, though." Viggo replied, still sounding absent-minded. "Let's get you some tea, shall we? It'll warm you up some more." He suggested.

Not even waiting for Eos answer, Viggo set to work and made three cups of tea, even bringing one up to Hiccup, who seemed very grateful for it. In the meantime, Eos had sat down on Viggo's bed, that was downstairs in a corner, so him and Hiccup could both have a bit more privacy. It was filled with warm furs, something Viggo could afford since he still had the money from his former job. It was so much more comfortable than the wooden beds the rest of the Riders had. Eos decided she should put some furs in her bed at home, after all of this is over.
Viggo sat down next to her handing her a cup and putting his own down, so he had his hand free to put a blanket around Eos shoulders.

A smile adoring smile lit up Eos features. "You know I'm not that cold anymore, right?" It was quite lovely how much Viggo cared, but at the same time she didn't really want him to treat her like a child.

"I apologize, my dear. I suppose I was really worried about you when we were back at that glacier. You seemed so... fragile." He replied, his tone still holding worry.

"Look, I understand you want to protect me, but the truth is, that I'm not a helpless maiden who can't fend for herself. I was born for battle. And while I'm certainly not the strongest, that doesn't mean I can't be a warrior." Eos explained kindly.

"I do realize that, my flower. And I don't believe that you are in constant need of defendence, but I do still greatly care for you. Nothing will change the fact that I want you to be safe at all times." Viggo said lovingly.

"Yeah, I know. And that's so sweet of you -" She took his hand, "but my life won't be like that. I will always be at the front of every battle. That will be everything I'll ever do."

"But is that really what you want?" Viggo asked.

"No, it certainly isn't. I would rather be out there in the world, exploring and saving dragons, than being stuck on my island for all times, fighting wars and killing millions, like my uncle."

"You should be aware that you do not need to physically kill people. You can still keep your standards and believes." Viggo explained, having experience in this subject.

"Viggo, this war is different from the ones I will be having. Besides, what's the difference between me physically killing someone and the people I command killing someone? I can't order them not to, when hundreds of men storm our island. We would be overthrown."

Viggo gave a deep sigh. He seemed to understand her situation better now. With one arm he pulled her close, with the other hand he held hers. She put her head down on his chest and swung her legs on the bed to lay against him in a more comfortable position.

"When it is time to get concerned about this, we will find a solution together. Right now, you should rest. You're exhausted, my beauty."

Eos' eyes were already closed and her muscles had started to relax. She felt the cup being taken out of her hand. Then, she felt someone picking her up and laying her head down on a pillow. She was about to protest, because Viggo's warm body was gone, but he threw some more of the deep brown furs over her, so she wouldn't get cold.
Though, before she was able to fully relax she glimpsed through half lidded eyes to see Viggo laying down on the floor next to his bed. He didn't even have a blanket or pillow.

"Viggo?" She whispered. "What are you doing?"

His seemingly always tired eyes focused back on her as he said:"Respecting you. And your boundaries. I would much prefer for you to be comfortable in this relationship."
A warm smile grazed Eos lips. "You're the most amazing person I have ever met."

"So are you." He said with a smile of his own.

Now finally warm and relaxed, Eos was able to fall asleep peacefully.

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