Chapter 12

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A few hours after Eos had gotten back Viggo was still awake while the girl was peacefully sleeping next to him. They had sent a Terror Mail to the edge. The Riders should have gotten it by now and should already be on their way to get them. Meanwhile, Viggo was trying to think of a way to get Eurus and Leiptr back. Of course he missed his own dragon and cared for his well-being, but he also really felt like he needed to make up for Eos loosing her dragon. She had saved his life and talked the others into letting him stay on the edge. He'd already owed her and now, everytime he had tried to help her he had gotten her in bigger trouble. He needed to fix things and to repay her for all she's done. She'd put a value on his live by safing it. She'd put a value on him. That was something Viggo wasn't used to. At least not anymore. The only one to have ever done that was his grandfather. And his brother as well, but that changed once he became the chief. Since that day, Viggo didn't have friends or family anymore. Only allies. Now that there were people who truly seemed to want him around, even if it came with a grain of distrust, he didn't know how to act.
Looking up, Viggo noticed that the fire was almost out. They didn't have anymore wood so he got up to get some more. He couldn't sleep anyway, a walk would surely help clear his mind. The rain had stopped not to long ago so at least he wouldn't get soaked as soon as he walked outside.
Outside a fresh wind blew in his face. He took a deep breath in and relaxed. Starting to walk towards the woods, he remembered the developments of the past few weeks. He remembered infultrating Johanns Base, Leiptr and the kindness of the Riders, especially Eos, even though things had been a bit tense with them at the beginning. He started to wonder when things had changed. When it had become so easy to talk to her. He remembered seeing Eos get attacked by that Hunter, remembered the anger that he couldn't explain, felt it rising up inside him again. Conversation was still a bit difficult when they were first locked up together but it quickly got easier soon after. He still couldn't explain what caused it.
A bit later he noticed that he was on the beach were Eos and him had arrived a few hours earlier. Had he really walked that far? He sat down on a stone and looked at the spot were him and Eos had had their conversation a few hours prior. He had always viewed her as a kindhearted and forgiving person but he saw the very extend of that during their conversation. He never thought there would be a person who could just forgive him like that. Like she had. He never expected to be able to redeem himself and all the things he's done. Viggo knew he wasn't there yet, knew he hadn't made up for everything he's done and he wasn't sure if he would ever fully be able to but just the thought of being given a chance made this determenation rise in him. He knew he had to destroy Johann and Krogan, stop what the three of them had started. What he had started.
All of the sudden Viggo was pulled from his thoughts when someone laid a hand on his shoulder. He was about to reach for his sword when he heard a soft voice speak.
"Hey, hold on there, it's all good, it's just me.", Eos said. "What are you doing out here? Viggo, you're shaking. You were already the exhausted when we got here, you need to rest.", she said worriedly.

"I was actually hoping for my exhaustion to go unnoticed. But I suppose you are right, we should head back. The other Riders should arrive in the morning."

Viggo got up and him and Eos started to head back to the cave to catch at least a bit of sleep before the others would arrive in the morning. There was a bit of an awkward silence before Eos broke it shortly before arriving at the cave.

"Why'd you leave the cave? Didn't you want to get some sleep?"

"Oh, trust me, my dear, I would've loved to be able to sleep, but there was a lot on my mind. A lot has changed for me in these past few months."

"I understand. But I hope you know that you can talk to us. To me, as well as the others."

"You see, I was never able to fully grasp the concept of 'talking'. I suppose I just wasn't ever able to confide in anyone. I never was able to show weakness, I would've been killed if I had."

"But that's over now, Viggo. This is not a new chapter, it's a hole new book. I get it if you don't want to talk all the time and I understand if there are topics that you want to keep private, but it really does help to confide in others.", she explained. "However, not tonight. We need to get some sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.", she continued, just as they arrived at the cave.

"Agreed.", Viggo said thoughtfully, sitting down next to the fire place that had gone out long ago. He'd forgotten to get more wood.
Eos laid down on the other side of the cave an wished him a good night. Laying down himself, Viggo answered her.

"Good night. And thank you, my dear."

"For what?"

"For everything, I suppose. It's... more difficult to put into words than I anticipated.", he replied, still very much cought up in his thoughts.

"Your welcome, my friend", she said. An Viggo could hear that she was smiling.

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