Chapter 5

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Five days had passed of Viggo only laying in bed, not being able to do very much. At this point he was eager to get up and go outside for a while. As the sun was rising Eos walked in, always already up at early dawn. Upstairs Viggo heard Hiccup stirring awake.

„Why are you always up so early?", Hiccup complained with a groan.

„Why do you always stay up so late?", Eos replied, sarcasm lacing her words.

Viggo couldn't help but chuckle lightly under his breath. This girl definitly had humor.

„So, Viggo, ready to try and get up?", Eos asked, turning her attention to him.

When Viggo gave a confirming nod and Eos grabbed his hand to help him sit up.

„So, you're just going to stand up first, okay? No walking until I say so. And whatever you do, do not lock your knees.", Eos explained.

When Viggo was standing and everything seemed normal, Eos gave him permission to walk around the room. Viggo was walking in his usual upright manner and when asked if he was in any pain the answer was no.

„Alright then. How about we take a walk to the clubhouse? The others should be waiting there to hear about his condition.", Hiccup suggested, looking over at Eos as if to ask for permission. She just nodded and the trio went outside.

Viggo took in a deep breath of fresh air, making the slight fog in his mind, that had build up during his days inside, disappear.
Arriving at the clubhouse Hiccup again sat everyone down.

„So guys. Now that Viggo is healthy enough we have to make a clear desicion. Is Viggo going to stay or not?"

„If you would allow me, I would really appreciate being permitted to stay. I could help you find that last lens and stop Johann and Krogan from finding the King of Dragons.", Viggo said.

„I say he stayes. He knows more about the Dragon Eye than any of us. And he knows Johann and Krogan. Knowing at least what kind of tactics they like to use would already be a big help.", Eos suggested.

„Agreed, having Viggo on our side would definitly be and advantage.", Fishlegs answered.

„I'm down.", said Tuff. „Yeah, me too.", Ruff agreed. Of course they where.

„How about you Astrid?"; Hiccup asked, his betrothed standing across the room with a concearned face.

„You know how I feel, Hiccup. But whatever you decide, I'll support you.", she answered. Hiccups heart warmed at that.

„Okay hold on now, I don't think this is a good idea. This is Viggo Grimborn, the guy who wanted to kill us all!", Snotloud argued.

„So, only one person who disagrees.. Hiccup?", Eos looked at their leader.

„Sorry Snotloud. But Viggo's staying. Only on a trial basis though.", turing to Viggo, he said:"You have a month to prove that you've truly changed."

After that, Hiccup assigned everyone their duties for the day. They where still after the lens of course, which was why Fishlegs and Hiccup would be going through all their lenses again today, to find clues for the last one they needed. He didn't ask Viggo to be there and Viggo wasn't about ask if he could. He knew it wasn't his place anymore. Hiccup just assigned Eos to teach Viggo how to fly while Astrid patrolled the island and Snotloud and the twins went to the markets for provisions.

Viggo didn't dare to speak when they walked to the stables. He knew, if wanted to defeat Johann and Krogan and start a new life, he would need the help of the Riders. However, he didn't plan on staying with them after they had saved the King of Dragons. This wasn't his place in the world, he knew that.

The training went well with Viggo picking things up even quicker than Dagur had. The sensation of flying gave him the feeling of great freedom, like he has never felt it before. The memory of his dark days as a hunter disppearing to the far back of his mind.
At the end of a long day, the two finally landed after hours of training.

„You did good today. You'll be ready for air combat in no time.", Eos praised him.

„Thank you, my dear. I myself was a bit surprised, I expected it to be a lot harder from what I have seen with Krogan and his dragon training."

„Those Dragons aren't trained, they are being forced."

„Couldn't agree more."

„Mhm..", she replied, losing herself in her thoughts for a second. „Would you like to head back to the clubhouse? To get some dinner?", the girl asked.

Viggo gave her a nod and they headed back.

„I have to say, my dear, your skills are very impressive. I have rarly seen anything like it. It almost seems like you and your dragon share the same mind.", Viggo said, trying to start a conversation.

„I guess you could say we kind of do. I've practically had her since I was born."

„Really? How so?", the man inquiered.

„Tradition, I suppose.", came her reply.

„What island are you from, Eos?"

She stopped walking and looked him dead in the eye, the smile that graced her lips seconds ago fading into an unreadable expression.

„That is non of your buisness. Don't ever ask me about that ever again."

And the rest of the night, Eos didn't speak one word to Viggo.

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