Chapter 26

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Eos was walking back to her hut a lot more calmly now. She had slept well, she was warm and Viggo had calmed her nerves. Remembering that he slept on the hard wooden floor for her sake last night made her heart glow. Totally caught up in her thoughts about Viggo, she wasn't expecting Astrid to stand in the middle of the room, right as she opened the room.

Eos was greeted with the sentence:"So, you and Viggo, huh?"

Totally startled and unprepared for this statement, Eos stumbled over her words. "Uh, wha- how?- I.. I mean- I don't..."

Astrid gave a deep sigh and walked over to her friend, pulling her over to her bed to sit and talk. "Since when? And why did you never tell me?"

Eos fidgeted with the bandage on her wrist, unsure how to reply. Where to start? What to say? The only reason Eos had ever truly wanted it to be a secret was because of Astrid's reaction. She knew Hiccup would never leave her side. She was also aware that Fishlegs wouldn't find it hard to get over the shock if he saw that the relationship was working out, and she wouldn't be all that upset about Snotlout and the twins knowing, since they would most likely not get in her way somehow. But she did care about Astrid. She had hated Viggo for a very long time and wasn't all that great with forgiving. Eos didn't want to lose her, but she also didn't want to have to choose between Astrid and Viggo.

"It all started about three weeks ago. After you had that big fight with him. That's when we first kissed. But I think we were already pretty close to each other when that happened. I guess, we've had feelings for each other for some time, and it just felt right at that moment, you know?" Eos explained. Astrid gave her a nod, but waited for her to continue. "As to... well, why I didn't tell you. You... you despise Viggo. I didn't want to have an argument with you about it. Especially the day we first kissed would've been a bad idea, since you two had some trouble that day. So I decided to keep it hidden from everyone and Viggo supported it. I just didn't want to cause any disruptions in the team, now that the war is so close to ending. I'm sorry for being so secretive, I should've been honest."

Astrid put a hand on her friends shoulder. Her ocean blue eyes looked at her with deep understanding. "I get that. When Hiccup and I started out, I didn't want to be disturbed as well. I wanted it to be our little secret. It's just that we always talk, you know? You were the first person I told, that's why I freaked when I saw you with Viggo." The blonde looked down, her eyes now clouding with many thoughts. "Speaking off, Eos, I trust you. And I trust your judgment. We are both adults now and you are actually a lot better at it than I may ever be." That got a small giggle out of Eos. It wasn't like Astrid wasn't right, after all Eos was a bit older than the other Riders, so it did make sense. "I may not like Viggo a lot, but I've started to respect him. He isn't even half bad. I want you to choose to be with him without having to consider your friends. You should be able to say 'That's the one' without fear of loosing me. Because you won't. Ever. Not after this, okay?"

"Okay." Eos pulled her friend into the tightest of hugs, thanking God for her loyalty and understanding. As they parted, they both had a big smile on their lips. But Astrid wasn't done yet.

"Just know, that if he ever hurts you, in any way, shape or form, I will cut his head off and disembowel him."

Eos giggled. "Noted." But her smile would soon faint.

Hiccup walked in the door, a grave look on his face. He had heard the last part of the conversation. "Well, you can decapitate and disembowel him when we find him, because him and Leiptr are gone."

Eos eyes widened in shock. "What? And you let him? Hiccup, he's still injured and needs to rest. Where could he have possibly gone? And why?"

Hiccup shook his head. "I don't know. But he left this note with your name on it." He handed Eos a piece of parchment paper. She opened it and read:

My dear Eos,

do me a favor and don't go home within the following week. I'm only trying to keep you safe.

Best regards,

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