Chapter 3

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As Eos was about to explain more about what happened last night and how serious Viggo's injuries actually were, she saw his face scruntch up. A wave of pain must be hitting him, as he comes to his senses more and more.

Eos walked over to Hiccup's desk where she had put some of her medical supplies and started making some sort of herbal tea. Eurus lit up a small blue flame to heat it up.

Walking back to Viggo's bed she said:"Here, drink this. It'll help with the pain." She turned her head to Hiccup, „Would you help hik sit up please?", she inquiered.

Hiccup gave a short nod and helped Viggo up, the man having a pained expression. As Eos handed him the tea he looked at it suspeciously.

„You have nothing to worry about. If we had wanted you dead we wouldn't have helped you, would we?", Eos said.

Viggo just nodded, eager for the pain to come to an end, as he started drinking.

„It would probably be best if you rest for now. Your wounds are deep but you are really lucky that they didn't get deep enough to penetrate any vital organs. I want you to stay in bed for the next five days, after that, I'll have you sit up and if that works out I want you to try to stand and walk. You alright with that?", the eastern princess explained.

Viggo just nodded as Hiccup slowly lowered him back down. He had just woken up, yet he was completely and utterly exhausted. His body needed rest to heal but his mind was eager to get back up and explore the island and of course, figure out where he was going to go next. He hadn't planned on actually surviving all of this.

As Hiccup and Eos walked out to let him rest Viggo called after them.

„Wait!", they turned around. „Where is the Skrill?"

Eos smiled. „In the stables, with the other Dragons. I'll go get him for you. Rest now, he'll be there when you wake up.", she said, kindness lacing her words.

Outside Astrid was waiting on the two best friends. She looked worried.

„Hey, something bothering you Astrid?", Hiccup greeted a bit worried.

„Heather and Dagur are here and the twins told them what happened. Them, and some of us, want to know what our next move will be."

„Next move?", Eos inquiered.

„Yes. What are we going to do with Viggo?"

„Alright, clubhouse everyone.", came Hiccups leader voice.

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