Chapter 11

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It was midday when Viggo and Eos arrived at an island. They had barly talked all day. At the beginning Viggo had still been quite chatty but since he was rowing he was getting more and more tired. Now that they had arrived at the island he was absolutly exhausted, but he wasn't about to show Eos his exhaustion. Little did he know, that Eos had already noticed long ago and somewhere in the back of her mind she was a little worried. But of course she wasn't about to show that either. She was still mad at him for scaring her like that.

"We should look for a place to stay for tonight. It'll be dark in a few hours.", Viggo suggested.

"Sorry, not happening.", Eos said. "I'm going to go look for a dragon and fly it back to the edge. Hiccup will surley help us get our dragons back.", Eos said.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there aren't any dragons here. Unfortunedly Krogan and I had them all hunted down when I was still his ally.", Viggo said.

"Of course you did...", Eos spat under her breath. She was about to walk away when Viggo grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Eos, please believe me when I say that I am so very sorry for everything I have done when I was a Hunter. I have no excuse for that and I apologize. And I do also apologize for what happened in these past few days. I myself am also really infuriated by these developments. I care for Leiptr like you care for your dragon. He saved my life. I hope you can forgive me for everything that happened.", he said.

"I already have forgiven you, Viggo.", Eos said quietly. You could tell she was having a hard time admitting that. 'People aren't always their past' she remembered. "And thank you."

"For what, my dear?", he asked, sounding surprised for once. For once he wasn't hiding all his emotions.

"For going after me and Eurus when we got captured."

Viggo saw a little blush rising on Eos cheeks. She was shyly smiling up to him. And then, all of the sudden a feeling started to grow in Eos chest. It was warm and it felt like home. Looking into Viggos eyes made the feeling grow even more. Uncomfortable and unsure what to do, she freed her hand from his grasp.

"Should we go look for shelter? It looks like it's going to rain soon.", Eos said, her voice a bit shaky. She just hoped Viggo didn't notice.

"Yes, I suppose you are correct. There are several caves on the other side of the island. However, we should hurry a bit. It is quite far.", Viggo said. Eos gave him a nod and let the man take the lead.

During the walk across the island they came through a forest. Eos suggested that they already start collecting wood for the fire so they could immediately start it when they found a suitable cave. It seemed to be going really well and they made good progress, having lighthearted conversation during the walk. But Eos did notice that the exhaustiom in Viggo's voice was only growing.

"...and that was the very first time I beat my grandfather in Maces and Talons. I was so proud.", Viggo finished his story when it started to drizzle.

"Yeah, I can imagine why. He seems like a really good player.", Eos said.

"Oh, he was. Best one I ever met. Well, except probably Hiccup.", Viggo sounded a bit thoughtful.

"You think you can show me how to play when we get back to the edge?", Eos asked curiously.

"You don't know how to play?", Viggo asked astonished.

"The others would never show me. Well, Hiccup wanted to, but Snotloud always protested. He said that if I knew how to play, no one would ever be able to win a match again.", Eos said giggling lightly.

"Are you that much of a strategist?", curiosity was seeping back into Viggo's words. The rain got stronger and a harsh wind was blowing. Their clothes were already drenched.

"Well, I have to be. I'll be a general one day.", Eos said. "We should hurry. The rain is getting pretty bad.", she continued.

"It's right over there.", Viggo pointed towards a cave.

Eos was shaking a bit when they entered the cave, rubbing her arms to get warm, while Viggo was starting the fire. He was glad Eos didn't mention the soft shivers he had. Normally he didn't get cold this quickly but he truly was very tired. Besides that, the sun had gone down and had taken it's warmth with it. Luckyly he got the fire started pretty quickly and the two relaxed a bit as they started to warm up.

"So, what's our next move? How are we getting off of this island?", Eos asked.

"When the Hunters send Terror Mail, most of the time the Terrible Terrors stop here for a short amound of time. They are small dragons and can't fly very far without taking a break. All we need to do is capture one of them when they land here and then send a massage to Hiccup.", Viggo explained.


"Why, thank you.", Viggo's voice shook a bit.

"Are you alright, Viggo? You look a bit pale.", Eos asked, concearn slipping into her voice.

"Merely a bit tired. It has been quite a day.", Viggo replied, sounding a bit too nonchalant for Eos taste.

"May I just take a short look at you? Just to be save?", Eos asked.

"If it gives you peace of mind, do as you please.", Viggo said.

Eos put her ear to his chest and listened to his breathing. The quick movement and her being so close to him caught Viggo a bit off guard. Next, she put a hand to his forehead and then let it slip down to his cheek. Eos was way to focused to notice that it was his scarred side that she was touching. She then put her hand on his neck to check his pulse.

"You do feel a bit warm. Not quite a fever yet, but it could turn into one. I saw some herbs on my way here that I could make tea out of. I'll go look for them. It'll help.", Eos said calmly.

Viggo chuckled lightly. She was quite adoreable, when she was taking care of people.

"Thank you, my dear.", he said. "But I must insist that you don't go out there by yourself. We are way to close to Krogans base."

"Well, you are surely not coming with me. You need to warm up and rest.", she said. Viggo was about to protest but Eos wouldn't let him "Sorry, healers orders. You have to listen to me.", then she continued with a softer voice "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know I'm gone. I'm not a little girl who's in need of constant protection."

Eos quickly walked out of the cave into the pouring rain and started to head back to were she first saw the herbs, leaving Viggo a bit stunned. She was almost there, when she saw a Terrible Terror sitting in a tree. It had a little note attached to it's leg, so it had to be a trained one. It was sleeping so Eos hoped she could sneak up on it. She started to climb up the tree, carefully choosing were to put her hands and feet so she wouldn't scare the dragon off. When she was directly in front of it, she slowly started to strail the dragons snout. The little guy sleepyly opened it's eyes and looked at her. Eos took it in her arms and it curled up comfortably. She climbed down even more careful and quickly got the herbs she needed for Viggo before started to head back.
When she arrived there Viggo was standing in front of the cave. She wasn't sure if her eyes were decieving her but she thought, she saw a small smile of relieve on his face. Shivering, she walked into the cave, her clothes even more drenched than before.
"I found a Terrible Terror.", she said, her voice trembeling. She put the dragon down next to the fire, so it could warm up. "And I've got the herbs you need.", she smiled.

"You didn't have to do that for me.", Viggo said.

"Don't be silly. You needed them.", she said. "Come on, give me your water bottle, I'll make you the tea."

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