Chapter 29

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The counter-attack was going just as planned. Eos had quickly re-grouped some troupes after noticing some holes in their formation. They were finally able to surround the Dragon Hunters and drive them away from the island. While they were still fighting to get more ground between the Hunters and the island, Eos felt that something was off. She couldn't see Krogan and Johann anywhere. Usually, the former trader was on a ship, supervising every attack and Krogan was at the front with his Titan Wing Singetail. Them not being there was hugely out of character. And probably the worst plan yet. With the leading duo always being around, of course someone would notice if they weren't for once and would help them figure that they were up to something else. This stupid move gave Eos hope that Viggo may not have been involved in all of this, and it was just a huge misunderstanding.
However, she couldn't think of Viggo right now. She needed to find out where Krogan and Johann were first. And she had a feeling where they might be.

"Dusty!" Eos called for her second in command. "I have to take care of some business. You and Hákon are to take over. Don't back down, okay?"

"Consider it done!" the shield maiden replied, watching her general fly off to the mountains.

Hiccup and Astrid noticed Eos flying off too. "Go after her." Astrid said. "We've got this covered."

"Thanks, Astrid." Hiccup smiled at his betrothed. He could always count on her. "Eos! Wait up!" He called after his friend.

Eos had Eurus fly into a cave, Hiccup and Toothless following reluctantly. But she seemed to know what she was doing and she wasn't slowing down, so they had no choice but to go after her. Hiccup did have Toothless use his echo-blast, to be safe.

"So... you know where the lenses are hidden?" Hiccup asked.

"No, I don't. I know that they must be in a cave somewhere. That's the only information I have." Eos was very short with Hiccup today, but he was understanding of it. She had had a horrible day, with losing Viggo and having her home attacked on the same day. Hiccup could only hope that this would blow over quickly. They were so close to finding the King of Dragons, and he knew he couldn't do that without her.

All of the sudden, Eurus stopped in her tracks, so quickly that Toothless almost crashed into her. Hiccup was about to question what was going on when he heard swords clashing together and dragons roaring.

"This way!" Eos flew right, Hiccup hot on her tail. They flew through a tunnel that led to a large, high cave. Inside where Eos' father and uncle, accompanied by their warriors and dragons. On the other side, fighting them, were Krogan and Johann on Krogan's red Singetail, alongside some Flyers and, to Eos dismay, Viggo on Leiptr.

Eos fought back tears when she caught his eye. She believed to see a short moment of shock and pain in his eyes, but it disappeared too quickly for her to be sure. A dark smile shot on his lips instead. The satisfaction of hurting her clearly written on his face made Eos feel like someone had stabbed her right in her heart and then twisted the blade around. This wasn't the man she had fallen for. He truly was nothing more than a trickster and a deceiver. And to think that she had believed his lies.

"Well, would you look at that. Our little princess has returned to come to her family's aid. How noble." Krogan said.

Eos put on a feisty look and flew to her fathers' side, Hiccup in tow. "Why, thank you, Krogan. I didn't think honor and nobility were part of your vocabulary."

"Nice, comeback. So you aren't fazed by your lovers' betrayal?" Krogan parried. The blade was twisted again.

"Lover? Eos, what is this about?" The chief's voice boomed through the cave. And again.

"Father, I can explain, trust me!" Her voice revealed sudden desperateness.

"Explain that you are courting a Dragon Hunter? Please do!" And again.

Now Viggo spoke up too. "I assure you, there is nothing to explain. We were never courting in the first place." And again, and again, and again.

Tears welled up in Eos eyes again, and this time she couldn't stop them. But she stayed headstrong and sent a burning gaze Viggo's way.
Seeing his daughter's pain, Eos' father didn't care about the circumstances anymore and charged at the hunters. When he moved away, Eos was able to see a pedestal with the two lenses on them. They had hidden them in the same place? Really?
But there was no time to focus on her family's stupidity. The fight was reigniting and there was no time to lose. A Flyer charged Eurus but she quickly maneuvered out of the way. Eos jumped off her dragon and delivered a mid-air kick to the Flyer, pushing him off of the Singetail. Eurus caught her rider and prevented her from falling with a well-practiced movement. Next, Eos had Eurus fire at the Singetail to get their attention. She then performed some quick tricks to get them to follow her, the maneuver ending in her sending the Flyers with their dragons into a wall, by moving out of the way at the last second. This was the last of Krogans Flyers since Hiccup and her father had taken care of the other ones. But when Eos turned around to face Krogan, Johann and Viggo, her voice got caught in her throat. There was an arrow flying directly towards Viggo, aimed at his chest and shot by her father.
As much as Eos despised him, she couldn't let him die. She just didn't have it in her. The world seemed to move in slow-motion, as Eos directed Eurus towards Viggo and Leiptr. The arrow was steadily moving towards them, but his gaze was on her, and her alone. When Eurus was only a meter or two away from Leiptr Eos jumped and knocked Viggo off his dragon and out of the danger zone. She felt the tip of the arrow brush past her ribs, making the tiniest of cuts in her armor, but not touching her skin. Now falling, Viggo's arms were around her, hugging her tightly. She wanted to push him away but she was frozen as the hard stone ground came closer and closer. But in the last second Eurus claws caught the couple and put them down softly. The world returned to normal speed again and Eos focused her eyes on Viggo as he let her go.

"Eos, my flower, what are you doing here? I told you to stay away." Viggo's tone was so hushed, Eos could barely hear it. It was almost like he was afraid of something.

"What are you talking abou-" Eos was cut off by a yell from Hiccup.

"No!" Hiccup yelled out, storming out the cave on Toothless back, Eos' father following. The Flyers had disappeared entirely and only a few of her men and her uncle were left.

"What just happened?" Eos called out to them.

"Krogan managed to steal a lens." A warrior replied.

"No..." Eos whispered. How could she let that happen? If she hadn't jumped in, to save Viggo, maybe she could have prevented this. When Eos turned back to face Viggo though, he and Leiptr were gone. Eos punched the stone ground underneath her and let out a frustrated yell before she sobbed into her now bloodied hand. The wrist on her left arm was stabbing with pain, on the right her knuckles were burning. But the pain she was most focused on was in her heart. She couldn't take it anymore.

But before she could break down entirely, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see her uncle's outstretched hand, his lense in it.

"Look, I get this is hard for you, Button. But you have to pull yourself together. We're all counting on you and your little group now for the answers. Take my lens and see if it helps you defeat them."

"But uncle, if I take it then I'll officially be the new general. You'd be stepping down. I'm not ready for that."

"Button, you're 21 already. I've seen that little scared girl grow up into a headstrong, beautiful, skilled woman. You slipped up today, for the first time in years. It's time for you to take your place and repair the damage done today. There comes a time when you have to step up and face your problems, okay Button?"

"Okay-" Eos wiped her tears with a small smile. "But then you have got to stop calling me Button." She said, grabbing the lense.

"Sorry, no-can-do."

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