Chapter 31

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Back in the hall, Eos again joined her brother and father on their high chairs. The Hunters had the lense, but they hadn't left yet. Their ships were still in the waters close by. The high council was debating on what to do loudly, the Riders were standing close by, watching the dilemma.

"We should attack!"

"Our troops are exhausted, we need a day to regroup!"

"In a day they might have killed the King of Dragons already!"

"They wouldn't kill it, they need it!"

During all the noise, siblings were able to re-connect.

"How you holding up, Eos?" Hákon asked, abandoning his chair to crouch down next to his sisters.

She huffed and send a small smile his way. "I've been better." Eos carefully looked around to check if her father wasn't listening. "Uncle gave me his lense."

"What? But Eos, that means-" Hákon called out.

"Yeah, I know, I know. Please keep it down. I don't want dad to hear."

"Why not? Eos, this is a huge deal! You get to lead the army!"

"Hákon, I don't want to lead the army! All I want is for things to be back to normal. Krogan can crawl back into his hole and I can go stay with Hiccup whenever I want, but most importantly, I.. I want Viggo back."

"That Dragon Hunter?"

"He said he'd changed. And there was so much proof that he had. And I'm still sure that he has. He said something to me in those caves today, something that could prove his innocence!" Eos explained to her brother desperately.

"Ah man, you really did fall for him, huh? Go on a flight, clear your head. I'll cover for you, but please don't do anything stupid. We have more important things to worry about right now."

"Thanks, you're the best! And don't worry, I'll be back in no time." Eos said as she got up to walk out.

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