Chapter 18

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(A/N): Hey guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this story in so long. I was kind of getting writers block at some point and went on vacation soon after. I didn't take my laptop, so I could have time to clear my head. Updates should be weekly again from now. Thank you for your patience and thank you for reading. Enjoy!

"So, um, Hiccup, not that I don't love the freezing cold and aggressive Snow Wraiths, but, uh, why are flying to Glacier Island?", Snotlout asked from the back of Hookfang.

"Dad said that an old friend of his send him a terror mail. Apparently he was on Glacier Island once and found something that could resemble a Dragon Eye lens.", Hiccup explained, whilst maneuvering Toothless closer to Hookfang, so his cousin could hear him better.

"What about the terror mail Eos sent to her family? Any word on that?", Astrid asked.

"They said they didn't know what is on the lenses. They don't really have a Dragon Eye lying around to see, you know?", Eos replied.

"But wouldn't it still be better if we had those lenses with us? So we can make sure Johann and Krogan don't get them?", Fishlegs chimed in.

"Those lenses are safer with the Protectors then they are with us, they have a full army of dragons and riders, not to mention their fleet and their ground defenses. But there is a lone lens on Glacier Island, that is the one we have to keep safe.", Hiccup explained.

The others nodded in approval and pushed their dragons to go even faster. They had to get there before the Flyers did.

Viggo and Leiptr were flying at the very end of the formation. Eos couldn't help but throw worried glances to them once every few minutes. They had left the edge right after Viggo had gotten beaten up by Stoick. He looked like he was in constant pain and seemed to be totally exhausted. Eventually, Eos couldn't take it any longer and slowed Eurus down, so she was flying next to Viggo.

"Are you okay?", she asked.

"Better than when I first arrived at dragons edge.", Viggo said, trying to avoid worrying her.

"That wasn't my question, Viggo.", she said.

"I'll be just fine, my dear. You do not have to worry about me at all. I've been through much worse.", he said calmly. Eos was about to say something when Hiccup yelled:"Alright gang, we're here. Let's land and split up, to make sure we cover every single cave. I need everyone on high alert. We don't know if the Hunters are there already."

As they finally arrived at the freezing island in the middle of nowhere, Hiccup quickly divided the Dragon Riders into teams. Astrid was going with Snotlout, Fishlegs was going with the twins and him with Viggo and Eos. He wanted to make sure that after what happened today, Viggo stayed close to their healer, and he also felt like he needed to talk things out with the former hunter, at least a little. He needed to apologize for his father.
Each group got assigned two caves to search, before they re-met, to get a status update.
When the trio of Hiccup, Viggo and Eos searched their first cave, there wasn't much conversation. Hiccup was thinking of how to talk to Viggo about his dad and the future he might have with the Riders without making things totally and utterly awkward. In the meantime, Viggo was taking the time to explain Maces and Talons to Eos. Snotlout wouldn't be happy to hear that.
When their first cave was no success, they moved on to their second. Hiccup, now finally feeling like he kind of found the right words, tried to start a conversation with Viggo.

"So, um, Viggo, how do you feel after what happened today?"

"Like I explained to our dear Eos earlier, I've been through much worse. I will be alright.", he replied calmly.

"Okay, that's good-", Hiccup continued awkwardly. "But, uh, I really do apologize for what my dad did. I should've just talked to him when you first turned up at the edge. I'm sorry that I let it go so far.", Hiccup sounded guilty.

"Hiccup, there is nothing that you should be apologizing for. I've done horrible things in the past, your father simply didn't know of my change yet. He had every reason to do what he did and I assure you that I'm not having any hatred or anger towards him. At the very least, there might be a bit of frustration or annoyance about the happenings of today.", Viggo explained calmly. Eos was giving him a small smile. At least he'd gotten over it a tiny bit.

Hiccup was about to ask him why he was frustrated, when the ground started shaking. There were rocks falling from the ceiling, closing of the entrance of the cave. Underneath them, the ice started to crack. Viggo quickly took Eos hand and ran deeper into the cave, trying to get away from the cracks. Eos grabbed Hiccup's wrist and together they tried to flee but it was no use. The ground started to disappear underneath their feet, and they fell into a deep hole, landing hard on the stone floor. When the last rocks and boulders had fallen, silence filled the cave. Hiccup groaned as he sat up, the other two slowly following.

"Everyone okay?" The leader asked.

Eos was about to answer but when she took a look at Hiccup her eyes widened. "Hiccup, you're bleeding. Don't move, yeah?", Eos said as she shakily got up to check out the wound on Hiccups forehead. "It doesn't look that bad, but you might get a pretty bad headache later today.", she said, as she got her bandages out of her satchel.

While she was working on Hiccup's wound she looked over at Viggo shortly, who looked a bit disoriented.

"Viggo? You okay there?", she asked.

"Yes.. yes, my dear, just fine. I suppose I'm just a bit... shocked.", he replied.

"Oh, okay. Well, then could you maybe come over here and bandage Hiccup up for me? I think I might've sprained my wrist.", she said.

At that, Viggo snapped right back to reality, and he immediately walked over to her.

"What? Why didn't you say anything? Are you alright, my dear?", he asked worriedly.
"Yeah Viggo, I'm good. There's not much I can do about it down here anyway, other than have one of you bandage it. But we can't afford that right now, since I only have limited supply with me and Hiccup needs it more right now.", she explained calmly. She wasn't about to show it in front of Hiccup, but Viggo's worry really warmed her heart.

After the boy was bandaged up, they decided to assess the situation a bit better. It didn't take them long to realize that the walls were to steep to climb out and even if they weren't, Eos couldn't climb out with her wrist injury.

"Maybe it's better if we just wait. If we don't show up, the others are going to search our caves to see if they can find us.", Hiccup said.

"But Hiccup, all the equipment to get us out of this hole safely is still at the edge. Look, there is a path over there. Maybe we should try to find our own way out of here." Eos argued, pointing at a fairly narrow passage way, that seemed to go up.

"You might be right.." Hiccup replied, slowly getting up. "But, we should leave something here for the others. So if they find this place, they know we were here and where we're headed."

Hiccup started collecting small rocks and laid them out on the ground, forming an arrow that pointed in the direction they intended to go.

"Hiccup, do you happen to know if there are any wells here?", Viggo asked as the trio started walking.

"On the island for sure. But down here? I've got no clue.", the younger boy replied.

"Well, that might turn into an issue soon. We only have one flask of water with us."

Hiccup let out a deep sigh, his worry evident to Eos. She walked over to him and lay an arm around his shoulders.

"Hey, don't stress it. We'll figure this entire thing out. We always do.", she said encouragingly.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right.", Hiccup said smiling.

A Storm from the East (A Viggo Lovestory)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon