Chapter 13

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Eos and Viggo woke up to the familiar sound of a Night Furry flying trough the sky and the voices of the other Riders, calling out their names. Eos quickly ran outside, Viggo following her a bit slower. He was still exhausted, but he did look better than yesterday.

"Eos!", Astrid called out upon seeing her and Viggo. She flew down to her friend and gave her a hug, Hiccup following shortly after. The leader then looked at Viggo and greeted him with a smile and a nod.

"Are you two alright?", Hiccup asked.

"We are just fine, my dear Hiccup, thank you for coming for us. However, right now, it's imperative that we get our dragons back. Who knows what Krogan is doing to them.", Viggo replied quickly, getting to the point immediately.

Eos put a hand on Viggo's shoulder and said: "Exactly. We have to find them, Hiccup!"

"Don't worry, Eos. We will get Eurus and Leiptr back.", Fishlegs replied.

"Any idea were they could be?", Astrid asked.

"Maybe I could assist with that.", Viggo started. "Krogan sometimes uses wild dragons that he captured to help train the Singetails. Simulation fights, if you will. The training facility isn't all that far from here."

"Got it. Astrid, Snotloud, take Viggo to that island and search it, without causing any commotion, we only want to know if they're there. If you see any sign of Eurus and Leiptr, get back here right away. In the meantime, we'll think of a plan to get them out.", Hiccup said.

A few hours later, everything was ready. Eurus and Leiptr really were there and were currently training with the Singetails. There weren't a lot of guards there, since the Hunters never expected the Riders to find the training facilitly. Hiccup and Eos had formulated a plan, with Viggo chimming in from time to time, as soon as he got back. However, everytime he did, he received a dirty look from Astrid.

When they arrived at the island Eos and Viggo were dropped by the beach, while Astrid, Hicccup and the others started to free the Singetails and caused as much trouble as they could. And while the Hunters were tied up with the attack, the duo snuck in and started looking for their dragons. Walking past a tent Viggo suddenly stopped.

"Cover me.", he said and walked in.

"Wait, Viggo! What are you doing?", she whispered angryly.

Realizing that Viggo wasn't listening, she sighed and took out her to swords, guarding the entrance of the tent. A few moments later, Viggo walked out again, a letter in his hand.

"What's that?", Eos asked.

"Nothing that should concern you, my dear. Let us find our dragons, shall we?" Eos just sighed and decided not to bother. Viggo was lucky her dragon was her first priority right now, otherwise he would've probably gotten into big trouble for such a reckless action.

They continued searching until they got to some cages, were their dragons were locked up.

"Eurus!", Eos exclaimed happily, running towards the cage.

Viggo was at Leptrs side right away as well and the two quickly freed their dragons and got into the air. Eos shot a fireball into the sky, the sign for the other Riders to retreat. They had what they came here for. Now it was time to head back home. Viggo and her dodged some dragon root arrows but quickly were to far out of the Hunters reach. They were safe and they had gotten their dragons back. Eos was more than happy and even Viggo had an satisfied smile on his lips.
The flight home was mostly silent, with Viggo and Eos explaining what had happened the past few days. Arriving at the edge, they soon had a big dinner, not just to celebrate the victory today but also because Eos and Viggo hadn't eaten in a while. Viggo was sitting next to the twins, one on each side, them obviously bothering him with useless questions. Eos was seated on the other side of the table with Hiccup and Astrid. They were mostly silent but after a while Hiccup couldn't help himself.

"Say Eos", he started. "Did something... change between Viggo and you? Things seem so.. different.", he said.

"I suppose I'm more comfortable around him. I didn't fully trust him before this and with him asking questions about.. well.. you know, I just didn't like talking to him. Things are just less tense now. You were right when you said he changed. That was proven to me in these past few days."

"Well, I'm glad I have one person on my team. We'll have to decide if we let him stay for good very soon. And I know someone who's going to vote against it.", with his last sentence he looked at Astrid.

"We've had this conversation before, Hiccup. We're talking about Viggo Grimborn here. He's a trickster and a deceiver. We can't trust him."

"But at this point he's put his own life in danger twice to safe a rider. That has to count for something.", Eos argued.

Just as Astrid was about to answer, Viggo walked up to them and the discussion ceased.

"I apologize for interrupting your conversation, but may I ask to join you? While I do appreciate Ruffnut and Tuffnut trusting me and finding a liking in me, conversing with them for a longer peroid of time appears to be rather difficult."

Astrid was about to object but Hiccup beat her to it. "Of course you can sit with us.", he said kindly, earning a deathstare from Astrid that luckily went unnoticed by Viggo, because he was getting a chair.

Sitting down, Viggo put an hand on Eos' shoulder. "Are you alright? You seemed a bit quiet when we arrived."

"Yeah, I'm fine.. just.. thinking.", she said. "How was arriving back here for you? Still difficult?", Eos asked.

"It's starting to become easier. But it doesn't particulary feel like 'home' yet.", he replied.

The two got cought up in their conversation and didn't even notice that Hiccup and Astrid had gotten up.
"Hey, guys, Astrid and I are going to take a walk around the island. We have some things to talk about. Will you be fine?", Hiccup asked.

"Yeah, of course. Have a good time guys.", Eos said.

As they watched the two walk of, Viggo's hand, that was still on Eos shoulder, slipped down to grap her hand. "How do you feel about a short flight around the island?", Viggo suggested.

"Sounds good to me.", Eos replied.

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