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I never thought I would be standing here after the DINNER. Am I scared? Yes I am. Totally. I don't want him to come throwing stuffs at me when he sees me. I want to knock on the door but I can't. I've been standing behind the door for like 10minutes and each time I raise my hand to knock on the door, it goes down by itself. I know I sound silly right now but that's exactly what's going on and to make things worse, my mum and Ari are hiding behind some bushes. Every now and then, they keep saying 'won't you knock on the damn door?' or 'are you scared?' or 'do you want some booby milk to make you feel better?' So you can imagine what I'm going through right now. I know they're trying to make the whole thing fun but right here and right now, it isn't fun to me. Well, here goes  nothing.....

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!

Jason's pov

You could call me a bitch or a dick, I honestly don't care. I had to do what I had to do. I'm trying to save a life here but no one sees that. An F wouldn't be that a big deal as long as I don't have anything to do with her. I was so happy that when I got home my parents weren't around. At least, that would give me enough time to think on the next line of action. I'm hungry but I'm too lazy to make something to eat. Now I'm wondering why my mum didn't make any food🤔🤔. Well there's only one thing to do. Sleep. I'll just sleep away the hunger. I seriously pray to God that my parents don't come back at least, not anytime soon.
        5minutes later........

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

You have seriously got to be kidding me. Whoever this person or people are should better be worth my standing up from my comfortable bed. Urgh! Rushing down to open the door, my hips came in contact with alot of things,mostly wood tho and I can't help but wince at the pain it has caused me. Smiling like I just won a lottery, I opened the door and who I saw standing behind it wasn't someone I was expecting. Raven. What on earth could she be doing here? Didn't she understand what I said in class? There's only one way to solve this which is shutting the door in her face but the force she used in holding the door stopped me from shutting it. Who does she think she is?

"We need to talk" was the next thing she said.

"About?" I replied,still holding on to the door.

"You." She didn't even wait for a reply before she showed herself in like it was her house. Where did all this courage come from?

"I have some questions that I need to ask you and I need answers to them. Reasonable answers. What is wrong with you? What exactly have I done to you? Why do you hate me so much? Why are you hell-bent on seeing me in pain? All you've done is make me look like a fool by trying to talk to you. I really want to know what the fuck is wrong with you." She questioned,looking directly into my eyes like she was trying to get the answers from them. If she really thinks I'm going to answer those questions of her, she must be joking.

The next thing that happened was unbelievable and unexpected. I saw her waving a broken bottle in the air. Where she got the bottle from is something I can't answer. I didn't even have enough time to process what was going on before she came waving the broken bottle in front of my face. "I'm waiting for the answers. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like what would happen to you if this bottle touches your skin. I've kept quiet for a long time and you took it for granted. I wouldn't let that happened again." She shouted. Ok! Maybe she is right. I wouldn't like that bottle coming in contact with my skin. Where's my mum when I need her?

Ok. Fine. I'll talk. Could you please stop the bottle?" I shivered. Yea, I know I'm a guy and I'm meant to be bold and stuff but this is a broken bottle we're talking about here. I've always heard that quiet girls are the most dangerous. I think I just met one.

"I'm listening." She responded.

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