Chapter One

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"VINCE GET THE FUCK UP OR YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE AGAIN," Mila shouted annoyed as she pushed the bedroom door open. The girl stomped over to the filthy mattress and ripped the covers off of her roommate. "ALRIGHT! Jesus Mila I'm getting up! Just stop screaming!" replied the blonde as he swung his legs over the bed and stood up. Vince made his way to the bathroom to take a quick shower before work. Satisfied, Mila retreated to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

A few minutes later, as she was sitting on their poor excuse for a couch, Vince's door opened and out walked the hungover and still half asleep electrician. Mila stifled a laugh, watching him rub his head and begin lacing up his work boots. "Long night as usual I assume?" she questioned. "You guessed it, my head is pounding like a mother fucker" came the gruff reply. "Well lucky for you, I made your favorite," Vince's head popped up, knowing exactly what she was referring to. Mila always sent her roommate off to work with a cup of coffee, which she spiced up by adding a couple shots of Jack Daniel's to. "Breakfast of champions," Mila smirked as Vince took the liquor laced coffee from her hand. "Thanks kiddo," said Vince with a wink and headed out the apartment door. "I told you to stop calling me that! You're only 28 days older than me!" the girl shouted back. But it was too late, the door had slammed shut and she knew that the cocky fuck would never listen anyway.

Mila rolled her eyes and plopped back down on the couch to finish her own coffee. As she took a sip, she flipped on the radio next to her to a local station. As the host rattled on, Mila finished the coffee and rose from the couch to get ready for her own job. After a cold shower, she pulled on a pair of skintight leather pants, a red tank top, and the only pair of boots she owned (black in color of course).

Most of Mila's money went towards paying rent and she would usually put a sizable amount of the rest towards alcohol to last her and Vince until next paycheck. The two of them could put away liquor much quicker than most- tolerance they had picked up through out their high school years of debauchery.

Vince and Mila had met their freshman year of school and almost instantly became partners in crime. The rebellious friendship lasted until their senior year when they nagged an apartment together on the Sunset Strip of Hollywood and became roommates.

Vince was currently working as an electrician but he was almost always between jobs since the lazy fuck could never get up for work on his own. Mila, however, had held down her job as a bartender at the Whiskey a go-go for almost 8 months, a shock even to her. It was one of the few jobs she'd ever enjoyed having. The bar was a short walk from her and Vince's apartment (as well as a strip club Vince had excitedly pointed out to her), she got to listen to live music, and the manager's could give two shits about drinking on the job as long as you kept your shit together. Also, if Mila ever wanted some action after her shift, there was always a guy (or a couple) either a customer or from the band that had performed that night, more than willing to show her a good time.

Within a half hour, Mila had finished her makeup and after throwing her slightly still damp hair up in a ponytail, was ready to walk out the door. She started her walk down the Sunset Strip, stopping off at the liquor store on the corner across from her work for a little something to tide her over once she was finished with her shift. The girl made her way through the aisles until she found what she was looking for and proceeded to the register. The boy in line in front of her immediately caught her attention, not because of his looks (she had only seen his back so far) but because of what he was buying: a bottle of Jack Daniels twice the size of the one in her hand.

"Damn it come on Eddie, it's just a couple dollars, I'm good for it," came the voice belonging to the leather cloaked boy in front of her. "Uh-uh Nikki, like I said last time, you pay the full price just like everyone else," replied Eddie. Mila rolled her eyes, growing tired of waiting, walked up to the counter and set her own smaller bottle next to the boy's. "How much is he short Eddie?" Mila asked and could feel the boy's surprise as he stared at her. "3.67" said the cashier. She reached into her back pocket and produced the money required to cover her bottle and the larger one. "Thanks Eddie," said Mila with a wink, grabbing her Jack and exiting the store. "Stay safe out there tonight Mila!" Eddie called after her.

Once outside, she pulled her carton of reds from her purse and lit one up just as the bottle of Jack she had helped pay for and it's owner emerged from the store. His eyes locked on her as he strode over. "So... Mila?" he stated. Mila rose her eyebrows in response, "Lemme guess, you wanna bum a smoke to go with that Jack don't you?" He flashed her a boyish smile that she figured would make most girls jump his bones on the spot. "Actually, I was gonna thank you for the save in there, but if you're offering.." Mila smirked and handed him a square. "Thanks babe," said Nikki as he fixed the cigarette between his lips. Mila flicked her lighter and held it up. Nikki leaned forward and lit up with the flame protruding from the girl's lighter, making sure to keep eye contact with her the whole time.

Nikki leaned back against the store with his smoke, eyeing Mila up and down as she placed the lighter back in her pocket. "So Nikki, you got a last name?" Mila questioned as she blew smoke from her mouth. "It's Sixx, Nikki Sixx" the boy said proudly. Mila smiled as he spoke, "How rock n roll." A moment of silence ensued as the two puffed on their cigarettes and Nikki took a swig of his whiskey. "Well it was nice meeting you Nikki Sixx, maybe I'll see you around." Mila put out her cigarette and started to turn around when she felt Sixx catch her by the arm.

"Maybe you could see me tonight, my band is performing at the Whiskey. You should come, we put on a great show and it'd be awesome to have a girl like you to look at while I'm up there," Nikki said with a wink. Mila looked at the boy with a chuckle and leaned in closer to his face, "You're gonna have to be a little more original than that Sixx, you're not the only hottie in a band on The Strip," she said in a low voice as a seductive smile spread across her lips. Nikki leaned into the girl with a smirk, "Baby I promise you- I'll rock your world harder than any other guy here could." Mila mover her mouth just inches away from Nikki's and a feeling of victory spread throughout the boy's body as he stared at her lips.

"I'm gonna hold you to that," Mila whispered, trailing her gaze from his smirk plastered lips to his green eyes. And just as the pair couldn't possibly get any closer to each other, Mila pulled back and turned around, resuming her walk to the bar. "So I'll see you tonight!" Nikki called out with a smile, enjoying his view of the slim, but oh god curvy, figure walking away from him. Dirty thoughts about the girl flooded his mind as he locked eyes on her waist. Mila laughed to herself as she called out over her shoulder, "If you're lucky rock star!"

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