Chapter Seventeen

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The following day at the studio, things were tense to say the least. Nikki arrived an hour late, looking like he hadn't slept or showered in the past three days. Mila had held back the fact that Nikki was shooting up from Vince. She didn't want to tell the band, but she was worried.

When Mila and Vince first arrived, Mick and Tommy were already there. "Holy fuck dude, what happened to you?" Tommy asked when he saw Mila. "Got in a fight at the bar last night, you should see the other girl," Mila lied and faked a smile.

"What's wrong with your ass?" Mick questioned Vince. As soon as Tommy asked the question, Vince's face had gone from happy to pissed in no time at all. "Nothing I'm fine," Vince replied in a bitter tone. Mick chuckled as he shook his head, "Whatever you say man," He said before returning to tuning his guitar.

After waiting for the final member of the band to show up, Nikki finally stumbled into the studio. The first person he made eye contact with was Mila, both immediately diverting their sight to the floor. "Dude, finally. What the fucks been going on with you? You've been late nearly everyday and you look like shit!" Tommy said.

"Sorry. Traffic," Nikki mumbled before walking over to pick up his bass. "I've got a new song," He said, pulling a piece of paper out of his back pocket as he sat down. Vince took the paper from Nikki and scanned over the lyrics before giving him a confused look.

Mila noticed and walked over to Vince to look at the lyrics. The song was titled 'City Boy Blues' and Mila now knew the reason for Vince's reaction. Nikki had already introduced the band to the song last week, Vince had brought the lyrics by the hospital to show Mila.

Mila let out a sigh as Vince handed the paper to Mick and Tommy to see. "Uh dude," Tommy started. "Huh?" Nikki replied. "You showed us this last week..." Tommy stated hesitantly. Nikki felt his cheeks turn red from embarrassment. He didn't remember much from rehearsals the previous week, much less showing the guys the song. "Oh.. my bad," Nikki said quietly.

After an awkward silence, Tommy got things progressing by suggesting working on 'Home Sweet Home'. 'Home Sweet Home' was Mila's favorite song on the new album, so she sat happily in a chair, drinking a beer as Tommy began the piano intro.

After the band was done rehearsing, Tommy suggested they all go out for drinks. Mila didn't necessarily want to hang around Nikki, but going out with the other guys sounded fun so she agreed. They all piled into Mick's car and headed for the closest bar.

After arriving, the guys signed autographs for some fans before walking in and getting seated at a booth. A waitress came by to take their order and Vince got a bottle of Jack for the table. The waitress was a blonde with giant boobs that were probably fake and a lip piercing. She came back with the bottle and five glasses, "Let me know if y'all need anything else," She said, resting a hand on Nikki's shoulder and smiling at him before leaving the table. Nikki watched as she walked off with a smirk on his face.

Mila rolled her eyes at the interaction before getting up from the booth, "I'll be at the bar," She said before walking off. She took out her pack of cigarettes and lit one up as she sat down. "What can I get ya?" The bartender asked as he approached the girl. "Just a double of Vodka, thanks," She replied with a sheepish smile. The man turned around to pour her drink and she blew out a cloud of smoke.

"I saw you walk in with the Crüe, you're Mila right?" The bartender asked as he slid her the drink. "That's me," She replied and took a sip from the glass. "My name's Shawn, that's pretty cool getting to hang with a rock band all the time," The man said with a smile. "Yeah, it has it's perks as well as it's downfalls," Mila said, taking another drag off her cigarette.

"You still with the bass player, Sixx?" Shawn asked. Mila chuckled, "No, I'm not," She said. Shawn smiled again. "Well that's good news for me," He said, leaning against the bar. "Oh yeah?" Mila countered, giving the boy a seductive smile. "Maybe next time I could buy you that drink?" The boy asked with a wink. "I'd like that," Mila replied leaning in closer to Shawn.

Before things could go much further, a strange look came over Shawn. Mila furrowed her eyebrows and turned around to see a very angry looking Nikki. "Exactly what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Nikki asked Shawn. "Nikki what the hell, we're just talking," Mila said, getting up from her seat. "Bullshit," Nikki said, glaring at the bartender. "Well damn, I can definitely see why she dumped your sorry ass," Shawn said with a laugh.

Not long after the words left Shawn's mouth, Nikki drew back his arm and swung a hard left that connected with Shawn's jaw. "Jesus Christ Nikki what the fuck!" Mila said, running around the bar to Shawn who had fallen to the ground from the impact. However, Shawn quickly got to his feet and rounded the bar to Nikki. Within no time, there was an all out brawl with Shawn on the floor and Nikki on top, both swinging at each other. "Nikki stop it!" Mila screamed.

Vince, Tommy, and Mick got up from the booth and ran over to the two boys on the ground. Tommy pulled Nikki off Shawn, "What the hell are you doing Sixx?!" He yelled. "All of y'all need to get the fuck out!" Shawn shouted, his nose was bleeding as well as his lip. "Including you!" He said, looking at Mila. "Alright fine, we're leaving," Vince said. Tommy pushed Nikki towards the exit and they all walked outside.

"What the fuck is your problem Nikki!?" Mila asked once they were out on the sidewalk. Nikki had a cut above his eyebrow and his cheek and was definitely gonna have a black eye in the morning.

"Nothing, just forget it," Nikki said angrily, reaching in his pocket for his cigarettes. "Forget it? You just beat up some guy for no reason!" Mila yelled back. "Not for no reason," Nikki said back, lighting the cigarette. "Oh then for what? Because we were talking?!" Mila replied, anger rising by the second.

Nikki didn't reply, he just took a drag off his cigarette and avoided eye contact. "Guys come on, let's just go, people are watching this shit," Mick said to the two. It was true that a small crowd of about a dozen people from the bar were watching the altercation take place.

"I don't give a shit, Nikki is this really how it's gonna be? You're the one that fucked up, not me! You don't get to act like that!" Mila said, staring at Nikki. "Yeah whatever," Nikki said as he blew out smoke. Mila scoffed, "You are unbelievable," She said before turning around and walking.

"Mila where are you going?!" Vince called out. "I'm not getting in the god damn car with him! I've had it!" Mila called over her shoulder. Vince ran up to the girl and stopped her, "Would you just think for a minute? Walking by yourself in LA after dark? You really think that's a good idea?" He asked. Mila crossed her arms and looked at the ground. "Jesus Christ, I'll ride in the back with him and Tommy and you can sit up front with Mick. You don't have to look at or talk to him," Vince said in an exasperated tone.

Mila looked up and groaned, "Fine," She said. "But if he starts anything in the car, Vince I swear to god I will get out, I don't care if we're on the damn highway," Mila added. "Yeah well I believe you," Vince said with a laugh.

As Mila and Vince walked back to the group, Mila made eye contact with Nikki who quickly diverted his gaze. But when Mila saw his face for that quick moment, he had the saddest look in his eyes she'd ever seen. Of course he quickly replaced it with his signature 'I don't give a fuck about anything' facade. Seeing that look though, even if it was just for a second, made Mila's heart ache.

Despite everything that happened, Mila still had feelings for Nikki and all she wanted to do was kiss him and tell him everything was going to be okay. But she didn't because she knew it wouldn't change anything, so everyone piled back into the car and made the drive in silence.

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