Chapter Eleven

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Mila had just gotten out of the shower when she heard a knock at her door. She wrapped the towel around her chest and walked up to the door. Looking through the peephole, she saw Nikki standing outside. The girl opened the door and smiled, "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked as he stepped inside. "I told you we were gonna have some fun tonight," Nikki said as he turned around to face Mila.

As the girl closed the door, she noticed the bottle of Jack in his hand. "I thought this would be a good way to start," Nikki added on. Mila chuckled as she spoke, "Let me get dressed first," She said. "You don't have to," Nikki chimed. Mila rolled her eyes as she pulled some denim shorts, underwear, and an oversized shirt out of her suitcase. "I'll be right back," She said and stepped into the bathroom.

After dressing, Mila stepped out of the bathroom and saw Nikki had opened the bottle of whiskey and already taken a couple swigs. "Hey! Save some for me!" Mila said with a laugh. Nikki smiled and passed the bottle to her. As the girl pressed the bottle to her lips, she watched Nikki reach into his pocket and pulled out a baggie.

Nikki dumped the white contents of the bag out on the table next to the bed and pulled out his pocket knife he always carried with him. As he crushed the rocks of coke into powder, Mila took another swig of the JD and sat down next to him.  Nikki separated the substance into four lines before putting his knife down and rolling up a dollar bill. "Ladies first," He said with a smirk and handed the bill to Mila.

"And who says chivalry is dead?" She joked as she took the bill. Mila flipped her hair behind her shoulders and leaned down, snorting one of the lines. She rubbed her nose slightly before handing the bill to Nikki. The girl grabbed the bottle of Jack and took a gulp as Nikki did one of the lines.

An hour came and went as the pair did more blow and nearly finished the bottle of JD. "Holy fuck I feel good," Mila said with a laugh as she leaned back on the bed. Nikki smiled at the girl as he stood up, "Come on," He said and stretched out his hand. "Where are we going?" Mila asked as she took his hand and stood up from the bed. "Downstairs," Nikki replied simply. Mila followed the boy outside with a chuckle.

"Could you be a little more specific?" She asked as they walked down the stairs. Nikki stopped outside the gate by the pool. "We're going swimming," Nikki said with a smile. "Nikki, the gate's locked. It's closed, we can't," Mila replied. "Says who?" Nikki asked with a smirk as he climbed over the gate. Mila shook her head as she followed Nikki over the gate, "Fuck it," She muttered.

Mila followed the boy around to the side of the pool. "So now what? I left my swimsuit upstairs," Mila stated. "Doesn't matter," Nikki said as he slid off his shirt. Mila eyed his bare back and the couple of tattoos he had. Goddamn, he's hot. Nikki unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the ground before jumping in the water. He popped his head out of the water and smiled. "Come on!" He shouted.

"I don't have on a bra Sixx, I'll be practically naked," Mila said and crossed her arms over her chest. "That's even better," Nikki replied with a wink. Mila groaned as she looked around. "Come onnnn Mila," Nikki pleaded. "Don't be a pussy!" He yelled with a smirk. Mila narrowed her eyes at the boy, "Fine," She said, sliding off her shorts.

Nikki watched the girl's body as she undressed. Mila dropped her shirt to the ground before jumping in the pool. When she came to the surface, her eyes were met with Nikki's. He swam toward her and wrapped his arm around her waist. "You really are beautiful," He whispered.

Mila chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Shut up," She said with a smile. "No, you are. You're fucking gorgeous. I'm so happy you're on this tour. I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else," He said, pressing his forehead lightly against her's. "Nikki, that's the whiskey and blow talking," Mila said quietly.

Before she could say anything else, Nikki leaned in and kissed her. Mila kissed him back and felt her back get pushed up against the wall of the pool. Nikki's hands glided down her hips and under her thighs, pulling her closer to him.  He trailed his lips to her neck, kissing and biting lightly at the skin, causing a small moan from Mila.

"Fuck, I want you," Nikki murmured against her neck. "Then what are you waiting for?" Mila asked in soft voice. She felt Nikki's hands go from her thighs to her waist. He leaned back from the girl slightly and pulled down her underwear. Mila slipped them the rest of the way off her legs before Nikki pinned her back up against the side of the pool with his body.

Nikki slipped his hand between the girl's thighs as he kissed her neck. Mila let out a sigh, trailing her hand up the back of the boy's neck. She moaned lightly at the feeling of his fingers and lips, causing him to get a bit rougher. "Holy fuck," Mila whispered as she buried her fingers in his hair. "Say you want me babygirl," Nikki whispered in her ear.

Hearing Nikki call her that sent shivers down Mila's spine. "I do, I want you," She said quietly as she bit down on her lower lip. "What was that?" Nikki asked, pretending not to hear. He was always such a tease, it drove her crazy. "Fuck Nikki, I want you," Mila said louder this time.

The boy smirked as he tugged his boxers down. He slipped his hands under the girl's thighs, positioning her back up against the wall and pulling her hips close to his. Mila gasped slightly at the feeling of him inside her. Nikki rocked his hips against the girl, causing Mila to let out another moan.

"Shit that feels good," Mila whispered to herself as her grip on the back of the boy's neck tightened. Nikki quickened his pace as the girl's whimpers and moans got higher and faster. He finally let out a deep breath as he felt himself reach his limit. He pulled back a little bit from the girl, resting his head against her chest.

Nikki kissed Mila's shoulder softly before raising his head to meet her eyes. "That was fucking great," He said with smile. Mila chuckled and just as she was about to reply, they heard the sound of someone whistling loudly. The duo raised their heads quickly to location of the sound and saw Tommy Vince, and Mick standing outside at the top of stairs.

"What's going on out here?" Vince called down with a laugh. "Oh my fucking god," Mila muttered as she reached for underwear and slipped them back on. "You two love birds don't know how to get a room?" Tommy chimed in. "Really guys?!" Nikki shouted at the boys as he pulled his boxers back up.

Mila pulled herself out of the pool, being sure to keep her back to the group as she tugged her shirt back on over her head. "Nice ass Mila!" Tommy called down to her with another whistle. She turned around just in time to see Mick punch him in the shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?" Tommy asked, rubbing his arm. "For being a dumbass," Mick replied with a smile.

"Hey this isn't a fucking show, y'all mind going back inside!?" Nikki shouted at the the three as he climbed out of the water. "Yeah yeah whatever," Vince said with a chuckle before turning around and walking back towards his room. The other two boys followed suit behind him.

Nikki pulled his pants back on and shook his head quickly, causing water droplets to fly everywhere. Mila laughed as she shielded herself from the rogue water. Nikki walked up to Mila and wrapped his arms around her waist. "That was fun," He said with a smile. "Would've been better without an audience," Mila joked. "Yeah, you're right," Nikki chuckled before leaning down and kissing her.

(A/N: I accidentally sent this chapter to my fucking mother so i hope y'all enjoyed)

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