Chapter Three

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Mila squinted her eyes open, awakened by the sunlight streaming into the room. As she sat up in the bed, memories from the night before came rushing back as soon as she realized she wasn't in her own room. She looked beside her and saw Nikki laying face down with his black hair a wild mess. "Oooh man..." she whispered as she rubbed her eyes. Glancing around the room she spotted most of her clothes strewn about the area. Mila carefully removed the blanket on top of her and slipped out of the bed. She managed to find her pants, underwear, and boots but her shirt was missing for some reason.

As quietly as she could, she searched around the room but couldn't find it. Mila groaned slightly to herself before just picking up a black New York Dolls shirt off the ground and slipping it on. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure she hadn't woken up the sleeping Nikki before exiting the room. The living room was a complete mess from the night before. Empty beer bottles were everywhere and it looked like a tornado had wrecked the place. Mila noticed a single line of coke still left on the table so she grabbed the rolled up dollar bill on the carpet and snorted the line before heading out the door.

Nikki's place was only a short walk from her own so she made it home quick. She took her key out of her purse and unlocked the door. Once inside, she saw Vince asleep on the couch. "HONEY I'M HOOOME!" Mila called out with a laugh. The startled blonde jumped and almost rolled off the couch as a result. "Why do I always have to wake up to you yelling at me?" Vince stated in a groggy tone. "Because it's funny," Mila said with a shrug.

Vince glanced at the clock before looking at Mila. "Damn, it's two in the afternoon and you're just getting back? Must've been a longer night than usual..." He said with a smirk. "Uh yeah you could say that. I'm gonna shower and then let's go get something to eat. I'm starving," Mila said as she dropped her purse on the couch. "Yeah that sounds good. I want pancakes," came the reply. "You're such a child," Mila chuckled as she walked to her room.
Mila and Vince walked into the diner and were sat at a booth. The restaurant was their go to place to nurse their hangovers and trade stories about the wild night they'd experienced. The duo's usual waitress came by to take their order, a woman around the age of 60 who had worked there every since they had started the routine. Vince ordered his pancakes and Mila ordered coffee and a mini bottle of jack.

"So where did you and Lovey end up last night?" Mila questioned as she rested her arms on the table. Vince took a deep sigh before beginning the story, "We went back to the apartment to do some more blow... and everything was going great until Tonya called..." Tonya was another girl Vince was "dating". The two had met at one of Vince's gigs with his cover band Rock Kandy. Turns out, Lovey had taken it upon herself to answer the call and wasn't too ecstatic to learn the identity of the girl calling. Naturally, her and Vince got into an argument after Lovey slammed the receiver down and started yelling about "some bitch Tonya" calling and asking for Vince. Vince explained that he tried his best to deescalate the situation but that Lovey just kept screaming at him before stomping out of the apartment, declaring that they were over, and nearly slamming the door off its hinges.

The waitress, Dottie, returned with the pancakes and coffee just as Vince had finished his story. "Thanks Dottie," Mila said as the coffee was placed on the table. Dottie winked at her in return before shuffling off to deal with other customers. "Well nice job blowing our deal for free coke Vince," Mila half joked as she screwed off the cap on the tiny Jack Daniels bottle and dumped the contents in her coffee. "It wasn't my fault!" The blonde laughed and proceeded to drown his pancakes in syrup.

"Well it's your turn, how did your night with Nikki go...?" he asked with a devilish grin. Just as Mila looked up to answer Vince, he spoke again, "Well speak of the devil..." he chuckled. Mila turned around to see what Vince was staring at and there he was, Nikki Sixx. Mila felt a small spark of embarrassment when Nikki met her gaze and laughed. The girl whipped back around to face Vince, "Looks like you're about to find out," finally came her forced reply.

Nikki strode over to the table and greeted Vince, "What's up man?" he said with a smile. "Hey man what's up? You wanna sit?" Vince asked. Mila shot him a death glare, clearly not wanting to have to talk to the boy. Nikki sat next to Mila and immediately turned his attention to her, "Nice shirt babe, were you planning on coming back over tonight to return it?" He asked with a smirk. Mila instantly turned a bright shade of red. This was one of the few things that made her uncomfortable, casual conversations with her one night stands. They're called that for a reason, you're supposed to have a night of fun together, maybe two and then that's it. You never talk to each other again and if you happen to see one another, you don't have fucking breakfast together.

"I couldn't find my shirt this morning." Mila stated in a monotone voice. Vince stifled a laugh, getting a kick out of the situation unfolding in front of him. "So are you playing tonight?" Mila asked, trying to change the subject. "Nah, London called it quits after the fight last night... My new band is gonna be fucking awesome." Nikki replied, his eyes lighting up as he began explaining his plan for the new band. He then pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to Vince. "Loud, rude, aggressive guitar player," Vince read aloud from the circled ad on the paper. "Sounds dope man," he said and handed the paper back to Nikki.

"I have a question," Mila spoke, turning to look at Nikki. "What's that gorgeous?" Sixx asked with a smirk. "You got a singer yet?" She inquired. "Nah, just a drummer for certain right now. Why? You know someone?" Mila turned and smiled at Vince who simply shrugged. "Vince is a great singer, but he's with a lame cover band right now." Mila said to Nikki with a soft laugh. "Hey that 'lame cover band' gets me laid and that's all I ask for," Vince retorted with a glare. Nikki laughed at the blonde's comment.

"Well, tell you what, how bout y'all swing by my place in an hour and Vince I can show you some lyrics and who knows, it might work out," Nikki said and looked at Vince for confirmation. "Yeah sure why not man, I'll bring some Jack and beers," replied Vince with a nod of agreement. Sixx smiled and turned to Mila, "Hope you decide to come too. It's a shame you snuck out on me this morning, I was hoping for another piece of your action before you left, guess I rocked your world a little too hard last night huh?" Nikki whispered the last part in a cocky tone. The girl rolled her eyes as Vince snickered between bites of pancake.

"Considering the comatose state you were in when I left, I'd say you're confusing who's world got rocked honey," Mila sassed to the bass player. Nikki stood with that smirk still plastered across his face. "Oooh I love it when you talk dirty to me baby. Just save some of that energy for later, you'll need it," He said with a wink before walking towards Dottie, who handed him a to go bag of food, and exiting the restaurant. "Oh we're definitely going to that audition Mila," Vince laughed. "I hate both of you," Mila groaned in reply.

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