Chapter Thirteen

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Nikki forced his eyes to open. As he sat up and observed his surroundings, last night's events slowly came back to him.

Nikki had spent the whole day at the hospital sitting by Mila's bedside. Its been three weeks since the accident. At first, the doctors weren't sure if she was gonna survive. Mila had a punctured lung, a fractured skull, and internal bleeding. The surgeons had stabilized her, but she's been in a coma ever since.

When the nurses told Nikki visiting hours were over, he went back to his hotel and proceeded to do exactly what he'd done since the first night of the accident. After killing half a bottle of jack and two grams of cocaine, Sixx retreated to his bathroom for the final part of his new nightly ritual.
Nikki leaned back against the wall of the bathroom and looked down at his arm, the needle was still protruding from his skin. After pulling it out and throwing it towards the trashcan, he pulled himself to his feet. Looking in the mirror, it was shocking how much his body has deteriorated in the past few weeks.

Nikki looked at his face, his skin pale and his eyes dark and sunken in. His diet of Jack and cocaine has caused him to loose some weight and his arm to become covered in track marks. But so far, the drugs and alcohol are the only things that are helping him sleep at night and keep the bad thoughts out of his head.

Nikki walked out of the bathroom and picked up a shirt off the ground. The black t-shirt probably hadn't been washed in over a week, but he slipped it on anyways. He pulled on his boots and jacket, grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

After driving to the hospital, Nikki put on his jacket before getting out of his car. The boy already looked like a mess, he wasn't about to be walking around with evidence of shooting up all over his arm too. He rode the elevator to the fourth floor and walked down the hallway to Mila's room.

Inside was the girl's nurse making her rounds. "Any news?" Nikki asked hopefully. "No, I'm sorry Nikki," The nurse replied with a sympathetic expression. Sixx nodded before sitting in the chair beside Mila's bed.

After about an hour, Nikki heard someone else enter the room. He turned around and saw Tommy standing in the doorway. "Hey man," Tommy greeted him as he walked in. "Hey," Nikki mumbled in response before returning his attention to Mila.

"We haven't heard from you in a while," Tommy began as he sat in the chair next to Sixx. "Haven't had anything to say. It's not like y'all don't know where to find me," Nikki replied as he gestured to the room.

"How have you been?" Tommy asked. Nikki groaned as he stood up. "Tommy no offense, but I don't feel like doing this bullshit with you right now. I'm fine, okay?" Came the irritated response. "Yeah you totally look fine," The taller boy said in a sarcastic tone.

Sixx simply rolled his eyes in response and turned around. Tommy stood up before speaking, "We have an album to finish Sixx, sitting here all day isn't going to make Mila wake up any faster," He said, approaching Nikki.

Nikki felt his temper start to rise and before he knew it, the boy whipped around and his fist connected hard with Tommy's jaw. "I'll finish writing that album when I'm good and ready! And if I wanna sit here all day, that's my business, not anybody else's so just fuck off!" Nikki yelled, grabbing Tommy by the collar of his shirt.

Tommy shoved the boy off him, causing Nikki to stumble back a few steps. "What the fuck is wrong with you Nikki? Everyone can see that you're falling apart at the seams! I'm just trying to fucking help!" Tommy said angrily. "I don't need any help," Nikki mumbled, sitting back down by Mila's bed.

"Whatever man. We have rehearsals tomorrow, try not to be late," Tommy said in a monotone voice before walking out. Nikki studied Mila's figure in front of him. She still has scarring on her arm and probably her leg from the wreck. She's lost weight from being in the coma and the IV being the only thing feeding her, the dark circles around her eyes and hallowed cheeks make this more evident.

Nikki moved his chair closer to Mila and rested his arms on the bed, taking her hand in his. "Please wake up Mila," He whispered, bringing her hand up to his cheek. He kissed her fingertips as he watched the girl's chest move up and down. "Please," Nikki spoke again in a voice that was barely audible. He rested his head on the bed, holding Mila's hand in his.

Nikki felt a hand on his shoulder, shaking him slightly. His head popped up, hopeful that it was Mila. "Sir wake up, visiting hours are over," Came the voice of a nurse. "Oh okay," Nikki mumbled as he stood up. He took one last look at Mila before leaving the room.

Back at the hotel, Nikki was halfway through a bottle of jack and had just finished making more lines when he heard a knock at the door. He stumbled towards the door and opened it to find a skinny ebony girl with dark hair and chocolate eyes looking back at him.

"Hi, I'm Vanity," The girl said, stretching out her hand. Nikki shook the girl's hand, still confused as to why she was knocking on his door. Vanity picked up on the boy's confusion, "I heard you like to party," The girl explained. She reached into her purse and brought out a bag of cocaine double the size of Nikki's. "Want some company?" Vanity asked with a smirk.

Nikki stood back, letting Vanity into the room. The girl wasted no time catching up with Nikki, within thirty minutes, the bottle of jack was empty and the two had snorted close to an eightball of coke.

"How am I just now meeting you?" Nikki slurred, snorting another line. His vision was hazy from the liquor. Vanity laughed as she opened up a bottle of vodka that hotel service had brought up a couple minutes ago. "I have no idea, but we should do this more often," She said, pouring herself a shot.

The two drank and did more lines before Nikki told Vanity he had to use the restroom. "I'll be right back," Nikki said, nearly falling as he stood up. He made his way to the bathroom, locking the door behind him and retrieving his smack and needles from under the sink.

After cooking up the substance and filling the needle to ten CCs, Nikki tied a tourniquet around his arm and injected the needle into a vein. He pushed down on the plunger and exhaled in relief as the sweet euphoria washed over his body.

Nikki cleaned up the bathroom and put his smack and needles back in their place. When he opened the door through, he found Vanity waiting directly outside. "Hey what are y-" Nikki didn't have time to finish his sentence before Vanity crashed her lips into his.

Nikki was at first surprised, the girl pulled back when she realized he wasn't kissing her back. "No?" Vanity asked, raising her eyebrows. After a few seconds Nikki pulled the girl back towards him, kissing her roughly. He backed her up to the bed, pushing her down on the mattress. Vanity chuckled as she slipped off her shirt and Nikki tugged down her pants.

Nikki looked Vanity's body up and down as he undid the buckle on his pants. She was honestly gorgeous and he hadn't had a distraction like this in a long while. He pulled his shirt off over his head before climbing on top of Vanity, kissing her lips and then her neck.

However, even in the mental state Nikki was in, he still felt a twinge of guilt and sadness in his gut as the thought of Mila lying in a hospital bed all by herself entered his mind. Nikki forced the thought out of his mind. He was tired of caring. Caring about people had only caused him pain and sadness all his life. Why did he think things would ever change?

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