Chapter Fourteen

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Nikki awoke to someone banging loudly on his door. When he managed to open his eyes, he saw Vanity laying in the bed next to him. Fuck, he must've passed out before getting the chance to kick her out last night, she'd been coming over for the past week with blow.

The boy slipped on some pants as the pounding on the door continued. "Jesus Christ, I'm coming!" He shouted in an annoyed tone. When Nikki opened the door, he was faced with a worried looking Tommy. "What the hell man, where have you been?!" Tommy questioned as he barged into the room. Nikki groaned as he closed the door. "What are you, my mom now?"

"We haven't heard from you in days, and you haven't been at the hospital. What's going on with you Sixx?" Tommy continued as he turned around to face Nikki. Before Sixx had the chance to reply, a low grumble came from the bed. Tommy jumped a little, not knowing there was someone else in the room.

Vanity slowly sat up in the bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. When she saw the two boys in front of her, a slight blush covered her face. "Oh um, hi," She said quietly as she reached for her shirt. "Hi..." Tommy responded before looking at Nikki with a confused expression.

Vanity quickly got dressed as an awkward silence ensued. "Well I guess I'll see you later tonight Nikki," She said and grabbed her purse. Nikki didn't bother replying but the girl still gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

As the door clicked shut, Tommy shot Nikki a look of disbelief. "Who the fuck is that?" He asked. "Her name's Vanity. What's the big deal?" Nikki asked as he sat back down on the bed. "This isn't you dude. First you stop showing up at the hospital. Then you stop answering everyone's calls. Now you're slumming it with some random chick? What are you gonna tell Mila when she wakes up?!" Tommy shouted angrily.

Nikki looked up at Tommy, anger exploding from his face. "Who gives a shit what happens when she wakes up? She's not my fucking girlfriend! I don't have to tell her shit!" The boy shouted back as he stood up, reaching for the bottle of Jack on the floor. "And for the record, I'm not doing anything that the rest of you aren't! Why don't you go yell at Vince or Mick! They're doing the same exact shit I am!" Nikki finished, getting up in the drummer's face.

"You're not doing the same shit we are!  Nikki you look like you've been to hell and back! We're all worried about you!" Tommy pleaded as he took a step back. "Well stop fucking worrying! I'm fine!" Nikki said before taking a swig of the bottle. Tommy shook his head before walking towards the door. He turned around to face Nikki as he spoke, "I hope you know, when Mila wakes up she'll want to see you. And YOU'RE gonna be the one to explain to her why you've turned into a piece of shit that doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself!" Tommy said in a bitter tone before exiting the room and slamming the door behind him.

Nikki hurdled the bottle of jack at the door, screaming as the glass from the bottle exploded all over the room, "FUCK YOU!" He shouted. The boy stood there for a moment in silence, his chest heaving up and down from the anger rippling through his body. Tommy's words had caused all the hostility and guilt to bubble over inside him again.

So without thinking twice about it, Nikki made a beeline for the bathroom. He pulled his supplies out from under the sink and within seconds he had a tourniquet around his arm and a needle sinking into his vein. All the thoughts about Mila and the band seemed to slowly fade away as a warm blanket of bliss fell over his mind. He sighed in relief as he closed his eyes and let the high take over his body.

When Nikki awoke, he was laying on the bathroom floor covered in vomit. "Fuckin hell..." He whispered to himself as he stumbled to his feet. The boy groaned as he stripped the leather pants and black shirt from his body. He caught a glimpse of his figure in the bathroom mirror, he had a lost at least twenty pounds. His rib cage was starting to become more evident and his face was bloated like a balloon. His bloodshot eyes sunk deep into his face, outlined by dark circles.

The boy simply shrugged before starting the water to take a shower. He didn't give a shit what he looked like. However, once inside the shower, Nikki noticed his arms. They were bruised and covered in track marks. He could come up with bullshit excuses for everything except track marks. What would the band say if they noticed them? What would Mila say when she saw them? Nikki punched the wall of the shower as the girl entered his thoughts once more.

No matter how many drugs he pumped into his body, Mila always found a way to creep into his head. He could get completely shit faced and sleep with a million girls and she would still be there in the back of his mind. Sixx hung his head low and let the warm water cascade through his hair and down his body.

Nikki knew he cared so much for Mila, he possibly even loved her. But he needed to find a way to not feel anything towards her. Because if there's one thing he's learned in life, it's that caring has only ever fucked him over. Every time he had let himself care about someone, they'd always abandoned or hurt him and he was done with it.

The boy punched the wall again, harder this time as he criticized himself for ever getting close to Mila. "I'm such a fucking idiot..." He whispered to himself. Mila was only going to leave him, just like everyone else in his past had. She was probably wanting to leave all along, she was just waiting for the right opportunity. Nikki knew that if he had ever opened up to her about his fucked up childhood and his family like he had planned on, she would've been gone in a blink of an eye.

Tommy's words from earlier still rung in Nikki's ears. There was no way he was going to see Mila when she woke up. There would be too many questions and emotions. Nikki decided right then that he was just going to keep his distance from her. He knew the girl would probably be greatful anyways to not have to be the one to break things off anymore.

Nikki turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist. He looked down at his stash and frowned. Thoughts about Mila were swarming his brain and he was running low on supplies to keep them at bay. "I gotta call Jason," Nikki sighed as he walked towards the phone to call his dealer.

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