Chapter Sixx

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Mila and Vince were sat on their couch listening to the radio. Mila had worked the morning/afternoon shift at the whiskey and had just gotten off. Vince had worked all night at his election job and just woken up. Vince had been going over to Nikki's apartment in his spare time, learning new songs and rehearsing with the rest of the band.

"So have y'all come up with a name for yourselves yet?" Mila questioned and took a sip of her coffee. "Yeah, last night actually, it was Mick's idea," Vince responded with a smile. "Well what is it?" She urged on. "I have to show you because Nikki tweaked it a little," The blonde said and stood up. He walked into his room and reappeared a moment later with a pen and piece of paper. Sitting back down on the couch, he began scribbling a name on the paper.

Once he was finished, he turned the paper towards Mila so she could see. In big black letters was written "Mötley Crüe". "That's so rad," Mila said as she stared at the lettering. "Your first show is tonight right? Are you nervous?" She asked. Vince laid back against the couch and took a swig of his beer before answering. "When have you ever known me to be nervous for a performance? We're playing at the Roxy, not Maddison Square Garden," Vince said with a chuckle. "That's true," Mila said, pausing before speaking again. "I hope a lot of people show up. I didn't spend two hours hanging up flyers today for nothing," She said sarcastically. "I guess we'll just have to wait and find out," Vince said with a shrug and stood up. "I'm gonna get a shower and head on down to the venue. You still coming?" He asked. Mila nodded in response. "Of course, there's no way I'm going to miss your first show," She said. Vince smiled before
disappearing into his room.


Mila and Vince arrived at the Roxy at 9:30, thirty minutes before the band was scheduled to play. Mila followed Vince towards the back of the building into a small room. Inside was the rest of the band. Mick was sat in a chair smoking a cigarette. Despite being inside, he had on a pair of dark sunglasses. The guitarist acknowledged the two with a small nod but said nothing. Mila had learned through out the few rehearsals she had attended with Vince that this was very typical of his personality. Mick was a very nice guy, but he was also very quiet.

Tommy had just finished gulping down at least three shots out of a Jack Daniels bottle. When he saw Mila and Vince, he handed the bottle to Nikki and walked over to greet them. "What's up man!" He said to Vince, clapping him on the shoulder. "How's it going Tommy?" The blonde replied before walking over to Nikki who passed him the bottle of Jack. Tommy gave Mila a quick hug before returning to the group of guys.

Mila sat herself down on the couch and listened to Tommy and Vince chatter about the set. She glanced over at Nikki and saw that his eyes were already plastered to her, but when their gaze met he gave her a wink. Mila just smiled but decided to divert her attention back to Tommy and Vince. "Alright so as a little celebration to commentate our first show and to also add a little energy to things, I brought a little friend along," Vince announced in a joking manner. He reached into the back of his white leather pants Lovey had gifted him before dumping him and produced an eight ball. "Dude! Right on!" Tommy said giddily, giving Vince a slap on the back. Vince laughed and cut open the baggie, pouring half of the contents out on the counter in front of him.

Vince used his knife to cut up the substance into powder before separating a line out for himself. "Mila you got a dollar?" He asked. The girl reached into her purse, pulling out a bill and rolling it up before handing it to Vince. "Thanks!" Said the singer before bending down and taking the line of coke. The bill got passed around by the boys but Mick declined when it got around to him. Mila stood from the couch and walked to the counter, deciding to join in. Everyone did a couple more lines and some shots of the JD until it was time for the band to go on stage.

Mila followed the boys out of the dressing room and made her way to the stage. As Nikki and Mick strapped on their instruments and Tommy positioned himself behind his drums, Vince ran out to the microphone, "Alright! We're Mötley Crüe!" He announced. Tommy began banging on his drums but accidentally knocked one of his cymbals over. The crowd around Mila laughed as Tommy fumbled to pick it back up.

Once he had repositioned the cymbal, Vince spoke again. "Alright boys... Let's rock this hole!" He said in a gritty voice. The rest of the band began the intro to the first song but before long two big guys beside Mila started heckling Vince. "Hey who's the chick singer?!" One of them called out. "Fuck you asshole!" Vince yelled back angrily at the man. In response, the man spit on Vince's pants and flipped him off. "Oh no..." Mila whispered to herself as she saw the rage ignite on Vince's face.

In a split second, Vince had jumped off the stage and clocked the man in the face. Since the guy was at least three inches taller than Vince and 100 pounds heavier, the man bounced back from the hit fairly quick and decked Vince in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

Pretty soon, all hell broke loose. Nikki brought his bass back over his shoulder and threw it against the mans head that had hit Vince. With a panicked look on his face, Tommy ran out from behind his drums and jumped on the other big man that was now fighting with Nikki. As the brawl ensued Mila ran over to the guy on top of Vince and tried to pull him off. This resulted in her getting pushed hard up against a wall and hitting her head.

Finally, the bouncers from the venue intervened and pulled Tommy off of one of the guys while the other one pulled the man off Vince. But as the man was being pulled off, Vince managed one more good blow to the guy's nose. "Lay a hand on my friend again and I'll kill you you prick!!" He called out after him as the bouncers kicked them out of the club. The three boys jogged over to Mila with worried looks. "You alright?" Vince asked. "I'll kill that motherfucker!" Nikki added. Mila gave a small chuckle in response and rubbed her head gently. "I'm fine it's all good you don't need to kill anyone," She said as she looked around the room.

Everyone was quiet and staring at them with shocked faces. "Fuck..." Tommy sighed, figuring their show had just been ruined. But suddenly a loud voice rose from the crowd, "FUCK YEAH! MÖTLEY CRÜEEE," A guy yelled out and began clapping. Slowly, the rest of the crowd joined in on the clapping and started cheering. "Get back up there! Y'all have a show to preform!" Mila laughed. The three boys smiled at each other before returning to the stage. As they began the intro to their first song again, everyone crowded closer to the stage. Halfway through the band's set, the crowd was going wild.

Everyone was jumping around, banging their heads to the drums, and cheering. By the end of the show, the venue was at full capacity. Mila smiled to herself happily as the last song came to a close. "Goodnight everybody!" Vince spoke into the microphone and the band made their way off stage. Mila pushed back through the crowd of people and walked back to the dressing room she had been in before the show. Once inside, she ran up and jumped on Vince, almost knocking him over. "You did so good! The crowd loved y'all! It was amazing!" She squealed as she hugged him. Vince laughed at her excitement as he spoke, "Thanks Mila," He said with a smile.

"Do I get a congratulations too?" Mila heard Nikki ask from behind her. She turned around and gave him a smile. "You were great Nikki," She complemented as he pulled her into a hug. As he wrapped his arms around her he bent his head down and whispered in her ear, "Not gonna lie, the whole time all I could think about was taking you home tonight." Mila's face turned a light shade of red as she pulled back from the hug. Nikki noticed the effect his comment had had on the girl and smirked. "I think that could be arranged..." Mila said in a voice just loud enough for Nikki to hear.

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